21 Things You'll Understand If You Have A Big Dog
Statistically speaking, most of these dogs are named Bear. If they're not named Bear, they're probably named Zeus. If they're neither Zeus nor Bear, they might be Tiny, but whatever they're called, they are all majestic and adorable.
1. "I think you'll find that I am indeed a lap dog."
2. There is nowhere you can hide treats. Nowhere.
3. "If it fits, I sits. If no fits, I sits anyway."
4. You can't ignore a dog this big.
rupert_thebear_ via Instagram
5. "No, please, tell me more about how this is 'your' chair."
6. Big dog, big naps.
kuma_n_kaba via Instagram
7. One of the pros of having a big dog: You'll never lack for a dance partner.
lifewith2danes via Instagram
8. Look, this moose's antlers are sprouting leaves!
9. "Oh. I guess I'll just, uh, wait here."
10. Fountain for scale.
ridge_point_doodles via Instagram
11. "Dad loves it when I sit on his lap 🤣"
its.me.odin via Instagram
"Emphasis on the LOVE."
its.me.odin via Instagram
12. "What is this, a car for Europeans?"
kobethepyr via Instagram
13. Silly cow, that's a dog door!
14. "When you're too long for the couch you use the coffee table as a pillow 😂"
tallulahblu_thegreat via Instagram
15. Where there's a will there's a way.
DogsAreTheBestestBestBest via Imgur
16. "I think my kennel shrank."
DogsAreTheBestestBestBest via Imgur
17. Extreme climates call for extreme coats.
DogsAreTheBestestBestBest via Imgur
18. Fun fact: Great Danes are the reason cars have sunroofs.
allison_dunne_right via Instagram
19. Big doggy kisses seem like a great idea right up until you're drenched in drool.
20. "This year I'm a lion. Last year I was Clifford. When will I get to show them the real me?"
21. Look out! It's a yeti!