These 19 Animal Pictures Will Touch Your Heart So Hard
Prepare for your heart to be majorly squeezed.
1. This patient Dachshund who walks slowly for his elderly human.
1. This patient Dachshund who walks slowly for his elderly human.
These two are the most heartwarming pair of friends we've ever seen! This little sausage is so patient with his person.
2. This baby gorilla who almost didn't make it.
2. This baby gorilla who almost didn't make it.
It took a handpicked team of doctors to successfully deliver this cute lowland gorilla named Motuba who was successfully born in captivity at the Philadelphia Zoo earlier this year.
3. This deaf dog who smiles after his owner signs "good boy."
3. This deaf dog who smiles after his owner signs "good boy."
Dogs love to be told they're good boys and girls, but what about pooches who are deaf? Well, an awesome owner showed everyone how he makes this good boy feel like the best boy.
4. This horse who mourned his owner's death.
4. This horse who mourned his owner's death.
Serano is a working horse who laid his head on the casket of his owner during a funeral procession. Mourners claim they saw the loyal horse cry, which makes sense because we are.
5. This orphaned sloth who clings to his young caretaker.
5. This orphaned sloth who clings to his young caretaker.
Baby sloths are among the most adorable animals on the planet, and we're happy crying now that this tiny orphan found a friend at a renown Costa Rican sloth rescue.
6. This cat and her musical human having a jam sesh.
6. This cat and her musical human having a jam sesh.
Sarpur Duman lives in Istanbul, Turkey with a cadre of cats who all love to lounge on the musician's keyboard while he serenades them with kitty ditties.
7. This gorilla who really loves kittens.
7. This gorilla who really loves kittens.
KoKo is famous for her language skills, but her true passion is kittens. Unable to have a family of her own, this gorgeous gorilla is the matriarch of a kitten collection that she gets to cuddle for an hour every day.
8. This dog whose kisses make his tough bestie smile.
8. This dog whose kisses make his tough bestie smile.
When Kenobe leaned over to give Indiana Conservation Officer Levi Knach a few kisses during a photo shoot, dog lovers across the web all laughed and said, "same."
9. This rescued baby monkey playing in the bath.
9. This rescued baby monkey playing in the bath.
Nala is a baby capuchin monkey, and her foster mother gave her a plush animal to comfort her during bath time. It looks like the cuddle toy is working. Where can we get one?
10. These dogs who worry their human is drowning.
10. These dogs who worry their human is drowning.
Two beautiful dogs mistake their owners dives into the pool for drowning and jump in to help him. So cute!
11. This penguin who swims for miles to reunite with his rescuer every year.
11. This penguin who swims for miles to reunite with his rescuer every year.
Every year, Dimdim the penguin travels thousands of miles to waddle into the backyard of the man who saved him in what scientists believe to be a sense of loyalty.
12. This little sausage who cheers up a woman with Alzheimer's.
12. This little sausage who cheers up a woman with Alzheimer's.
Twice a week Orla visits the grandmother of his owner, Winifred, to give the Alzheimer's sufferer some much-needed love. The family says the dog's visits are among the few things that restore Winifred to the woman she once was.
13. Cow cuddles the human who rescued her.
13. Cow cuddles the human who rescued her.
Salvador was rescued moments before heading to slaughter by activists at a Chilean animal rescue. Now the happy calf loves to cuddle with her new best friends.
14. This elephant and his dog BFF.
14. This elephant and his dog BFF.
Tarra the elephant was often seen running alongside her companion — a dog named Bella who unfortunately passed away in 2012. Officials at the Tennesee elephant sanctuary say that Tarra discovered and carried Bella's lifeless body all the way home.
15. This horse who rocks a fussy baby to sleep.
15. This horse who rocks a fussy baby to sleep.
Crying babies can take a lot of patience, but this rocking horse decided to show a little compassion to this tiny human.
16. This woman who snuck a dog disguised as a baby into the hospital to help someone in need.
16. This woman who snuck a dog disguised as a baby into the hospital to help someone in need.
When hospital staff told Shelby Hennick that her grandmother's dog wasn't allowed to visit, this scrappy young woman got creative and disguised Patsy as a human baby to sneak the pooch past security. Grandma was very happy, and so are we!
17. This abused dog who was afraid of everyone until he met this baby.
17. This abused dog who was afraid of everyone until he met this baby.
Nora's adopted family says the rescued pointer was literally afraid of every human who crossed the poor dog's path But when they introduced her to their baby boy — Nora's life changed forever.
18. This cat who midwifed a pregnant goat.
18. This cat who midwifed a pregnant goat.
When Copper was pregnant on her West Virginia farm, her best friend — a cat named Pretty Boy — massaged her daily and was pretty much her midwife during the pregnancy. Copper's people say that Pretty Boy is now a surrogate father for the adorable baby goats.
19. This rescued baby deer having a bath and trying so hard to kiss the kitten.
19. This rescued baby deer having a bath and trying so hard to kiss the kitten.
Huzzah, kisses achieved!
Huzzah, kisses achieved!
When Snowflake was a fawn, she had an accident with a hay bailer. Luckily, there were humans (and a kitten) who cared for the baby deer while she recovered.