Need Southern Dog Names? Here Are 120 Distinguished Southern-Inspired Dog Names
So you have a new dog, and they need a name that's just right. A German name sounds too severe to you, but you also don't want to swing too far to the other side with a goofball name. How about hitting a happy medium with these distinguished Southern-inspired names?
Southern names for male dogs
Southern names for male dogs
- Alden
- Atticus
- Augustus
- Beau
- Boone
- Buddy
- Calvin
- Cash
- Dawson
- Deacon
- Earl
- Emmett
- Everett
- Faulkner
- Fenton
- Grady
- Harley
- Huck
- Jem
- Jeremiah
- Landry
- Livingston
- Luke
- Mason
- Montgomery
- Orson
- Owen
- Percy
- Price
- Reed
- Rhett
- Roy
- Rufus
- Smokey (after the University of Tennessee mascot)
- Tucker
- Uga (after the University of Georgia mascot)
- Walker
Southern names for female dogs
Southern names for female dogs
- Adelaide
- Anna Mae
- Annabel
- Bailey (can also be for a male dog)
- Belle
- Birdie
- Blanche
- Caroline
- Casey
- Celia
- Clementine
- Constance
- Daisy
- Delilah
- Delta
- Dixie
- Edie
- Eloise
- Florence
- Frances
- Gale
- Georgia
- Grace
- Harper
- Imogene
- Josephine
- Lucille
- Magnolia
- Maribelle
- Rose
- Savannah
- Scarlett
- Suellen
- Tallulah
- Violet
- Virginia
- Vivian
Dog names inspired by Southern cities
Dog names inspired by Southern cities
- Alexandria
- Ash (short for Ashville)
- Austin
- Charleston
- Charlotte
- Dallas
- Duke
- Greeny (short for Greenville)
- Houston
- Knoxville
- Lexy (short for Lexington)
- Memphis
- Monroe
- Morgan (short for Morgantown)
- Nash (short for Nashville)
- Parker (short for Parkersburg)
- Raleigh
- Richmond
- Salem
- Tampa
- Tennessee
- Winston
Dog names inspired by Southern food
Dog names inspired by Southern food
- Beignets
- Biscuit
- Bisque
- Bourbon
- Brisket
- Burgoo
- Chitlin
- Cobbler
- Cracklin'
- Croquette
- Gizzard
- Gravy
- Grits
- Gumbo
- Hush Puppy
- Jambalaya
- Mint Julep
- Muffin
- Okra
- Pilau
- Purloo
- Sweet Tea
- Whiskey
- Yams
Do you need more inspiration for your new pet’s name?
Do you need more inspiration for your new pet's name?
Pets are like our children. We love them, care for them, and we get to dress them up in adorable outfits — if that's a thing we feel like doing! So it's extra important that we take time to find the perfect name that reflects our new pet's personality and potential. Naming can be hard, which is why we've gathered nine pet-naming techniques to find the perfect fit, as well as assembled a handful of our most beloved lists of pet names!