Just 21 Dogs Standing Up Like Human People

Man's best friend is becoming more like man every day.

1. "If you like this, you should see what she can do with a Rubik's Cube."

1. "If you like this, you should see what she can do with a Rubik's Cube."

2. "Mustard on my cheeks??? How embarrassing!"

2. "Mustard on my cheeks??? How embarrassing!"

3. "Honey, the cops are at the neighbor's house ~again~."

3. "Honey, the cops are at the neighbor's house ~again~."

4. "The creatures outside looked from dog to man, and from man to dog, and from dog to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” — George Orwell, "Animal Farm" (pg. 128)

4. "The creatures outside looked from dog to man, and from man to dog, and from dog to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which." — George Orwell, "Animal Farm" (pg. 128)

5. "Just act cool and no one will notice a thing."

5. "Just act cool and no one will notice a thing."

6. "When the Lyft app says your driver is here but you don't see any cars."

6. "When the Lyft app says your driver is here but you don't see any cars."

7. "Look, I'm not saying the cat spilled garbage all over the floor, but I'm also not not saying that's exactly what happened."

7. "Look, I'm not saying the cat spilled garbage all over the floor, but I'm also not not saying that's exactly what happened."

8. "A little help with the drawer, please."

8. "A little help with the drawer, please."

9. "Don't leave me hanging, bro."

9. "Don't leave me hanging, bro."

10. "This is the most adorable thing in the history of adorable things."

10. "This is the most adorable thing in the history of adorable things."

11. "I'm fairly certain the dog DOES believe that he owns that child."

11. "I'm fairly certain the dog DOES believe that he owns that child."

12. "Is that cash or credit, folks?"

12. "Is that cash or credit, folks?"

13. "He will stay like this for 15 minutes waiting for a belly rub."

13. "He will stay like this for 15 minutes waiting for a belly rub."

14. "Because teamwork makes the dream work."

14. "Because teamwork makes the dream work."

15. "What did we ever do to deserve dogs?"

15. "What did we ever do to deserve dogs?"

16. "I'm the 4x defending house champ at slapsies. Trust me, you don't want any piece of this."

16. "I'm the 4x defending house champ at slapsies. Trust me, you don't want any piece of this."

17. "Not to be dramatic or anything, but I would die for him."

17. "Not to be dramatic or anything, but I would die for him."

18. Steve Rogers: "Big dog in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?" Tony Bark: "Genius, billionaire, good boy, philanthropist."

18. Steve Rogers: "Big dog in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?" Tony Bark: "Genius, billionaire, good boy, philanthropist."

19. "Watches a documentary about kangaroos * ONE * time."

19. "Watches a documentary about kangaroos * ONE * time."

20. "I'm not a dog, I'm a doggosaurs rex." (Press play to watch this now classic YouTube clip.)

20. "I'm not a dog, I'm a doggosaurs rex." (Press play to watch this now classic YouTube clip.)

Is your pup a bipedal boof? Tell us about it in the comments below!
