Just 31 Of The Best Cat Shaming Pictures On The Internet
We always love our furry friends, but this doesn't mean we have to like everything they do. Sometimes they break the rules, and the only way to punish them is with public humiliation on the internet. Here are 32 of the best cat shaming pics around.
1. Welp, that's an awkward talk to have with mom and dad.
ElFercho via Imgur
1. Welp, that's an awkward talk to have with mom and dad.
2. Just some garden variety cat jerkery.
cat_shaming via Instagram
2. Just some garden variety cat jerkery.
3. And some very NOT cat-like behavior:
3. And some very NOT cat-like behavior:
4. And some downright dog-like behavior...
lFercho via Imgur
4. And some downright dog-like behavior...
5. Know your own limits, dude.
5. Know your own limits, dude.
6. that is some hardcore bullying.
6. that is some hardcore bullying.
7. When you put yourself on the hot seat
casshealth4you via Instagram
7. When you put yourself on the hot seat
8. Said literally every cat ever.
8. Said literally every cat ever.
9. Some cats just can't have nice things.
9. Some cats just can't have nice things.
10. #Fitspo
theonlyschwarz via Instagram
11. And a free dieting idea, if you need one.
https://imgur.com/gallery/2EugT via Imgur
11. And a free dieting idea, if you need one.
12. Sometimes the reasons for the shame are truly inexplicable.
12. Sometimes the reasons for the shame are truly inexplicable.
13. Whoever said love don't cost a thing clearly never had a pet in an apartment.
13. Whoever said love don't cost a thing clearly never had a pet in an apartment.
14. Or just a pet period.
14. Or just a pet period.
15. Hey, he doesn't make the rules. Actually, wait, no he does. He made that rule.
15. Hey, he doesn't make the rules. Actually, wait, no he does. He made that rule.
16. When you're caught red handed, you might as well finish the crime?
16. When you're caught red handed, you might as well finish the crime?
17. He probably deserved it?
17. He probably deserved it?
19. You can't make this stuff up.
19. You can't make this stuff up.
20. But you look fabulous.
lillianzmom via Instagram
20. But you look fabulous.
21. Brings new meaning to the phrase "I can't even."
JonathanRobberts via Instagram
21. Brings new meaning to the phrase "I can't even."
22. Come on, dude. That's just unnecessary.
leanansidhe220 via Instagram
22. Come on, dude. That's just unnecessary.
23. This cat is ready for prison.
JonathanRobberts via Imgur
23. This cat is ready for prison.
24. But like, why?
25. LIAR.
26. Not sure whether to laugh or feel sorry for this guy.
26. Not sure whether to laugh or feel sorry for this guy.
27. It's your own fault for cheating on the cat though.
melyoshimura via Instagram
27. It's your own fault for cheating on the cat though.
28. It's called making sure the new guy knows his place.
ShinyNickel via Imgur
28. It's called making sure the new guy knows his place.
29. Worth every penny.
ladyjansgardens via Instagram
30. That's what you get for daring to love the laptop and/or wine nearly as much as the cat.
30. That's what you get for daring to love the laptop and/or wine nearly as much as the cat.
31. TBH, this is just impressive. Contact lenses are basically invisible.
bastet.the.sphynx via Instagram
31. TBH, this is just impressive. Contact lenses are basically invisible.
bastet.the.sphynx via Instagram