Just 20 Photos Of Dogs Wearing Ties
They are all good boys and they're all dressed up! Look at them!!
1. This good boy is drunk at your wedding.
1. This good boy is drunk at your wedding.
2. He dressed for dinner and is ready to eat that dinner right now, thank you very much.
2. He dressed for dinner and is ready to eat that dinner right now, thank you very much.
3. Here is the handsome dog groom from a dog wedding.
3. Here is the handsome dog groom from a dog wedding.
What a catch!
4. He knows his friends are going to embarrass him at Chili's again.
4. He knows his friends are going to embarrass him at Chili's again.
5. "If mom never put this dumb people tie on me, I would have never gotten this dumb people job."
5. "If mom never put this dumb people tie on me, I would have never gotten this dumb people job."
Don't put a tie on your dog, unless you're both ready to deal with the consequences.
6. Here is your new intern.
6. Here is your new intern.
7. First day of college.
7. First day of college.
8. This dog wants to be a political pundit.
8. This dog wants to be a political pundit.
Fox Mews just hired him.
9. Does it count when the dog is wearing the tie ironically?
9. Does it count when the dog is wearing the tie ironically?
10. He is dressed for the red carpet!
10. He is dressed for the red carpet!
I hope he doesn't pee on it.
11. A moment of silence please for the original tie wearing, Bud Light-swilling pup, Spuds MacKenzie.
11. A moment of silence please for the original tie wearing, Bud Light-swilling pup, Spuds MacKenzie.
12. He is giving himself a pep talk for his job interview.
12. He is giving himself a pep talk for his job interview.
"Who is the good boy? I AM THE GOOD BOY!"
13. "Like, if you really think about it, a tie is just like a dog leash, man."
13. "Like, if you really think about it, a tie is just like a dog leash, man."
14. Don't dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want.
14. Don't dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want.
15. This good boy is here to take your dog daughter on a dog date.
15. This good boy is here to take your dog daughter on a dog date.
They are going shopping at Petsmart and then they're going to kiss at the dog park.
16. "What happened to the dog who swallowed the watch? He got ticks!"
16. "What happened to the dog who swallowed the watch? He got ticks!"
He wants to be a stand-pup comedian.
17. Is anyone else weird-ed out that this dog is wearing a tie, a jacket and glasses without a shirt.
17. Is anyone else weird-ed out that this dog is wearing a tie, a jacket and glasses without a shirt.
Where does he even work.
18. When your dad only wears "fun" ties.
18. When your dad only wears "fun" ties.
"What do dogs eat for lunch? Woofles!"
19. Um.
19. Um.
20. There's just something so right about a corgi wearing a bow-tie.
20. There's just something so right about a corgi wearing a bow-tie.
Corgi's are dapper little dogs.