Here's What 21 Adorable Dogs And Cats Ordered At Starbucks
There's something for everyone — and their pets — at your neighborhood coffee shop!
u/gozejahihotelnext via Reddit
u/gokartninja via Reddit
2. His order is iced coffee with extra cream.
"Just a bit more cream, please."
3. "Hold the coffee and gimme that plain milk!"
u/orion2222 via Instagram
3. "Hold the coffee and gimme that plain milk!"
4. He thinks the Cinnamon Dolce Latte is so much more sophisticated than the Pumpkin Spice Latte.
lenny_the_cockalier via Instagram
4. He thinks the Cinnamon Dolce Latte is so much more sophisticated than the Pumpkin Spice Latte.
5. Where has this been my whole life?!
melody.wanderingbeagle via Instagram
5. Where has this been my whole life?!
6. Their order is a non-fat latte with 2 percent foam.
the_adventures_of_wolfiebear via Instagram
6. Their order is a non-fat latte with 2 percent foam.
7. Black cats prefer black coffee from a mug with a picture of a black cat.
fangwulf via Imgur
7. Black cats prefer black coffee from a mug with a picture of a black cat.
Of course they do.
8. His order is always free.
u/ceeearan via Reddit
8. His order is always free.
And he always tips well. He's a good boy.
9. You, uh, have a little something on your lips ...and fur.
u/TheEmotionalMale via Reddit
9. You, uh, have a little something on your lips ...and fur.
10. She's the kind of girl who orders ice tea at a coffee shop ...
awanderingwestie via Instagram
10. She's the kind of girl who orders ice tea at a coffee shop ...
11. Some dogs have absolutely no chill when it comes to whipped cream in a little cup.
teamnala via Imgur.
11. Some dogs have absolutely no chill when it comes to whipped cream in a little cup.
12. Feeling more awake now — life has new meaning!
remisdiaries via Instagram
12. Feeling more awake now — life has new meaning!
13. Her order is a vanilla latte that is just as sweet as she is.
georgia_peach.xo via Instagram
13. Her order is a vanilla latte that is just as sweet as she is.
14. He orders that drink where you add four espresso shots to coffee.
via Ingur
14. He orders that drink where you add four espresso shots to coffee.
15. She gets her own personal mug for her puppucino.
millie_roo_corgi_ via Instagram
15. She gets her own personal mug for her puppucino.
meccopoo via Instagram
17. She appreciates a good Caffe Americano.
minayloki via Instagram
17. She appreciates a good Caffe Americano.
18. Corgiccino.
RedtheReckless via Imgur
19. Baristas tip him.
radicalturtles via Imgur
20. She would like a cup of whipped cream, but please don't call it a puppuccino.
catzntrickz via Imgur
20. She would like a cup of whipped cream, but please don't call it a puppuccino.
21. "C'mon, let's gooooo! I need my puppucino!"
u/colinfarrellseyebrow via Reddit
21. "C'mon, let's gooooo! I need my puppucino!"