The 21 Funniest Dog Videos, Pictures & GIFs Of 2018
If these don't make you LOL, you're probably a cat.
1. These two who are abiding by the letter, if not the spirit, of the law.
1. These two who are abiding by the letter, if not the spirit, of the law.
2. This corg doin himself a heckn barrel roll.
2. This corg doin himself a heckn barrel roll.
MORE: Corgi Who Thinks He's Sushi Has Important Bed Hack To Share
3. Eat your heart out Warby Parker.
3. Eat your heart out Warby Parker.
4. This ridiculous backseat tantrum between dog and owner (press play to watch).
4. This ridiculous backseat tantrum between dog and owner (press play to watch).
5. This jelly AH shar-pei who caught her human scrolling through pictures of .... [GASPS] .... cats!
5. This jelly AH shar-pei who caught her human scrolling through pictures of .... [GASPS] .... cats!
6. This pup living his best life by launching headfirst into a heap of leaves.
6. This pup living his best life by launching headfirst into a heap of leaves.
7. This cool dad living in the year 3018.
7. This cool dad living in the year 3018.
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8. Tag yourself, I'm the husky taking the inside track at the :04 second mark.
8. Tag yourself, I'm the husky taking the inside track at the :04 second mark.
9. This diplomatic doggo who dragged his cat buddy off to the penalty box for a much needed timeout (press play to watch).
9. This diplomatic doggo who dragged his cat buddy off to the penalty box for a much needed timeout (press play to watch).
10. This opportunistic good boy scoring free scritches from a carwash (press play to watch).
10. This opportunistic good boy scoring free scritches from a carwash (press play to watch).
11. This westie coaxed into a donut-shaped pillow during the #snootchallenge.
11. This westie coaxed into a donut-shaped pillow during the #snootchallenge.
12. This boof balloon who floated up to the top of the ceiling.
12. This boof balloon who floated up to the top of the ceiling.
13. I'm smiling, you're smiling, he's smiling, WE'RE ALL SMILING.
13. I'm smiling, you're smiling, he's smiling, WE'RE ALL SMILING.
14. This pano fail that triggered a wave of takes and comparisons on Twitter.
14. This pano fail that triggered a wave of takes and comparisons on Twitter.
MORE: These 20 Pet Photo Fails Are Guaranteed To Keep You LOLing
15. This boy playing fetch in the backyard with his neighbor's dog — who's on the other side of the fence (press play to watch)!
15. This boy playing fetch in the backyard with his neighbor's dog — who's on the other side of the fence (press play to watch)!
16. Because even movie stars have trouble getting the perfect pet selfie.
16. Because even movie stars have trouble getting the perfect pet selfie.
17. Retrievers gonna retrieve (press play to watch).
17. Retrievers gonna retrieve (press play to watch).
18. "If you didn’t want me to order a treadmill on Amazon, you shouldn’t have left your laptop open, Katie."
18. "If you didn't want me to order a treadmill on Amazon, you shouldn't have left your laptop open, Katie."
MORE: 19 Funny Tweets About Pets Guaranteed To Make You Spit Up Your Drink
19. Mind. Blown.
19. Mind. Blown.
MORE: The 12 Most Insane Dog Reactions To The 'What The Fluff' Challenge
20. Your guess is as good as ours 🤷
20. Your guess is as good as ours 🤷
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21. Funniest. Eye Lock. Ever.
21. Funniest. Eye Lock. Ever.
MORE: Just 18 Pics of Funny And Cute Pets
Did we miss your favorite dog video, picture, or GIF from 2018? Share it with us in the comments below or at our Facebook page!