21 Pets With Totally Fire Album Covers
When music meets mew-sic: Pets can't play instruments (save, of course, for the one & only Keyboard Cat), but that isn't stopping people on Twitter from sharing how their album covers might look if they did.
1. "Two of my cats have formed a retro 80s electro-pop duo. Their first album cover is epic."
@Baddiel via Twitter
2. "My dogs have formed their own Pet Shop Boys tribute"
@Spdoxey via Twitter
3. "Self-titled album, Queen Bea"
@lexiorch via Twitter
4. "My dog Julius Chenwald would like to open for your 🐈 s"
@MsLynnChen via Twitter
5. "My cat’s debut album, 'Winter is Coming', may knock yours’ off the top of the charts!"
@HelenOdling via Twitter
6. "Walter's musical career has taken a romantic turn with his next album"
@rbcthomas via Twitter
7. "Copy cat album cover from lesser known heavy metal artist, Kali. Titled “Rage Against Dogs” & features her one hit wonder, 'Where’s The Catnip' 🎸"
@Jedigrl99 via Twitter
8. "Mine formed a Beatles tribute band. They’re crap though."
@ChattyWomanUK via Twitter
9. "Their names, from left to right, are Magwai, Tess, Bitty Smalls, and Stuntman Mike."
@AuthorAbbyJim via Twitter
10. "Originally had 3 members but this one got fired and started a failed solo carrier cuz he was kicked out for 'musical differences'"
@Sneuf3 via Twitter
11. "Their next mixtape, How Soon Is Meow, will drop sometime in 2019"
12. "They take their cues from 90s alt rock touchstones like The Verve"
@lionel6 via Twitter
13. "First solo release"
@ZODIDOG via Twitter
14. "The official cover for Penny’s Christmas album."
15. "Their debut album."
16. "Give me a greyscale filter and title like 'Memories of a Night,' and I'll preorder the deluxe edition."
@pigskinpug via Twitter
17. "Ours are a subversive indie band exploring social taboos."
@emmafreud via Twitter
18. "Mine are an S Club 7 tribute band, currently reaching for the stars."
@EvelynFoley via Twitter
19. "Mew Kids on the Block"
@bachruck via Twitter
20. "I'm calling this one Sparks"
21. "Fleetwoof Mac"
@pollyanna3pups via Twitter