17 Of The Prettiest Ragdoll Cats On The Internet
1. Contemplating what it's like to be so beautiful.
arctic_sapphire via Instagram
1. Contemplating what it's like to be so beautiful.
2. The face of a kitty who knows he's not supposed to be on the kitchen counter.
rufustheragdoll via Reddit
2. The face of a kitty who knows he's not supposed to be on the kitchen counter.
3. She's a winner.
ragdolltuckerlee via Instagram
4. He's a summer.
Bleeu via Reddit
5. Is there any season when Ragdolls don't look picture perfect?
princess_alaska_ragdoll via Instagram
5. Is there any season when Ragdolls don't look picture perfect?
6. Nope — they are certifiably gorgeous all year round.
supershinythings via Reddit
6. Nope — they are certifiably gorgeous all year round.
7. A nap is imminent.
glenn_ragdoll via Instagram
8. We believe you'll find that if one fits, one sits.
sylvandread via Reddit
8. We believe you'll find that if one fits, one sits.
9. Look at these elegant troublemakers.
maliathe.cat via Instagram
9. Look at these elegant troublemakers.
10. This cat just wants to listen to your problems and give you practical, actionable advice.
Isshh via Reddit
10. This cat just wants to listen to your problems and give you practical, actionable advice.
11. Maybe the classiest photo ever taken.
tales_of_cleo_and_roxie via Instagram
11. Maybe the classiest photo ever taken.
12. You don't look this innocent unless you've been making mischief.
nashvillecats via Instagram
12. You don't look this innocent unless you've been making mischief.
13. "Alright, human, that's enough sleeping. My food bowl is nearly a quarter empty."
Earl_I_Lark via Reddit
13. "Alright, human, that's enough sleeping. My food bowl is nearly a quarter empty."
14. The fluff emerges from its cocoon as a fully mature floofer.
ragdollsofcasadelcoogee via Instagram
14. The fluff emerges from its cocoon as a fully mature floofer.
15. A work of art... and a pretty nice painting.
ragdollsofcasadelcoogee via Instagram
15. A work of art... and a pretty nice painting.
16. brb we are hypnotized
Bleu_Snowflake via Reddit
16. brb we are hypnotized
17. The fluffiest rain cloud of all.
LilyMuggins via Reddit
17. The fluffiest rain cloud of all.