17 Dogs Whose Smiles Will Put A Smile On Your Face
These smiley, happy dogs are guaranteed to brighten up your day and turn that frown upside down!
1. Gizmo the Samoyed is very happy to have his Halloween portrait taken!
gizmothesamoyed via Instagram
1. Gizmo the Samoyed is very happy to have his Halloween portrait taken!
2. Snacks are always a reason to smile.
paris_the_border_collie via Instagram
2. Snacks are always a reason to smile.
3. "So happy to see you!"
thenolablues via Instagram
3. "So happy to see you!"
4. Beautiful fall weather will put a smile on any dog's face!
i_spot_marshall via Instagram
4. Beautiful fall weather will put a smile on any dog's face!
5. Someone looks super happy about her spa day!
thegeekygroomer via Instagram
5. Someone looks super happy about her spa day!
6. Smiling ear to ear!
ria_gusman via Instagram
7. That's a million-dollar smile!
_merlintheaussie_ via Instagram
7. That's a million-dollar smile!
8. This smile means business!
rose_and_ricky via Instagram
8. This smile means business!
9. Smiling, even in sleep.
lleksunkin via Instagram
9. Smiling, even in sleep.
10. Just loungin' with a big smile on.
megathepoo via Instagram
10. Just loungin' with a big smile on.
11. "Love that sunshine on my face!"
zsomi_the_best_german_spitz via Instagram
11. "Love that sunshine on my face!"
12. One of these two is super pleased with that dinosaur bone. The other is unsure.
bae.and.baloo via Instagram
12. One of these two is super pleased with that dinosaur bone. The other is unsure.
13. "Freshly groomed and ready for my close-up!"
spoonieironman via Instagram
13. "Freshly groomed and ready for my close-up!"
14. Those are some pearly whites!
tuckermgd via Instagram
14. Those are some pearly whites!
15. A wink and a smile!
thesophieseries via Instagram
16. "So content to be with my person — let's hold paws!"
leahcarin via Instagram
16. "So content to be with my person — let's hold paws!"
17. Georgie the Frenchie looks absolutely thrilled with life!
georgie.thefrenchie via Instagram
17. Georgie the Frenchie looks absolutely thrilled with life!