21 Cats Doin Themselves An Elude From The Vet
No one likes going to the doctor. And these sneaky and creative pets are no exception.
1. "My cat did not want to be at the vet today. So he kept sticking his head in this trash hole. I died."
@itsashlyperez via Twitter
1. "My cat did not want to be at the vet today. So he kept sticking his head in this trash hole. I died."
2. "My cat recommends hiding in the sink"
@89VWGolf via Twitter
3. "Cleo says 'hard same'"
@CBKinney via Twitter
3. "Cleo says 'hard same'"
4. "This is a technique passed down from generation to generation"
@theredsoxman via Twitter
4. "This is a technique passed down from generation to generation"
5. "The secret is to flatten them ears for a more tucked in, aero profile"
u/kcufuoytoga via Reddit
5. "The secret is to flatten them ears for a more tucked in, aero profile"
6. "Mine wedged herself in the 2-inch space between the mini fridge and the counter it was under."
@saraPBdubois via Twitter
6. "Mine wedged herself in the 2-inch space between the mini fridge and the counter it was under."
7. "Relatable as heck"
@MirandaDunkle86 via Twitter
8. “If they can’t see me they can’t stick me.”
@SqueakyMissD via Twitter
8. "If they can't see me they can't stick me."
9. "The first time in recorded history a cat hasn't laid down on an open laptop."
@KotomiCrabdree via Twitter
9. "The first time in recorded history a cat hasn't laid down on an open laptop."
10. "Took apart my cat's crate at the vet because he wouldn't come out. Didn't work!"
u/YoBooMaFoo via Reddit
10. "Took apart my cat's crate at the vet because he wouldn't come out. Didn't work!"
11. "My cat prefers hiding in the corner"
@justBecka via Twitter
11. "My cat prefers hiding in the corner"
12. "Rally Bear thinking he’s invisible in the slot where they keep all the forms. He knocked all the forms to the ground then attempted to hide in it."
@KK_SFBA via Twitter
12. "Rally Bear thinking he's invisible in the slot where they keep all the forms. He knocked all the forms to the ground then attempted to hide in it."
13. "This is Petal.
She is invisible."
@justanotheramy via Twitter
13. "This is Petal.
She is invisible."
14. "Last time the vet tech was forced to get a step ladder soooo ..."
@PersephonesDoll via Twitter
14. "Last time the vet tech was forced to get a step ladder soooo ..."
15. "Went for the bin as soon as the vets back was turned!"
@DebC1982 via Twitter
15. "Went for the bin as soon as the vets back was turned!"
16. "Suspect was last seen burrowing deep into my husband's arm 😢"
@strandnthewind via Twitter
16. "Suspect was last seen burrowing deep into my husband's arm 😢"
17. "Tried to use the phone cord as camouflage Spoiler: It was not successful."
@Tx_Tender_Love_ via Twitter
17. "Tried to use the phone cord as camouflage Spoiler: It was not successful."
18. "I am one with the corner and the corner is one with me"
u/Misaniovent via Reddit
18. "I am one with the corner and the corner is one with me"
19. "My cat's vet office strategy: blend in with the knick-knacks"
u/boredgeorge via Reddit
19. "My cat's vet office strategy: blend in with the knick-knacks"
20. "Moon Cat retreats into my hood"
@Gmr_RazorGrrl via Twitter
20. "Moon Cat retreats into my hood"
21. "I see the dogs and cats in the corners of the vet, and I raise our cat, Yam. He escapes through the trash hole."
u/catsbuttscats via Reddit
21. "I see the dogs and cats in the corners of the vet, and I raise our cat, Yam. He escapes through the trash hole."