Other Cute Animals 16 Of The Cutest Little Piggies On The Internet By Jeremy Sutheim Aug 27, 2020 11:02 am EST Step aside, cats. We're strictly cooing about pigs today. 1. This little piggy went to market. ShaneH7646 via Reddit 2. Pool party! TheHoglet via Reddit 3. Ball is life. TheHoglet via Reddit 4. A mischievous smile. b12ftw via Reddit 5. Blep TheGrisling via Reddit 6. Scrubby scrubby QuietCakeBionics via Reddit 7. Contented piggy TheHoglet via Reddit 8. Rub a dub dub, pigs in a tub. ShaneH7646 via Reddit 9. Appreciating the earth. lordhamiltonofficial via Instagram 10. Zoomies! 11. Snoozwich. ShaneH7646 via Reddit 12. When they say "Who's a good piggy?" and you already know it's you. itsamiracole7 via Reddit 13. The perfect pillow. youhaveoneday via Imgur 14. Give this pig whatever it wants. offbeatovaries via Reddit 15. You can almost hear the cute little grunts and squeaks. MrForgettyPants via Reddit 16. When pigs fly. lnfinity via Reddit