15 Dogs Who Are So Excited For Fall
These dogs are so excited for their favorite season: FALL! They're busy...
1. going for a hike in the woods
larko_whiteswissshepherd via Instagram
1. going for a hike in the woods
2. going back to school
joeylovesfood2020 via Instagram
3. teaching classes
grandpamurphy_theairedale via Instagram
4. picking out a pumpkin to carve
florence.the.springer.spaniel via Instagram
4. picking out a pumpkin to carve
5. going on a festive hayride
holly_bug_great_pyrenees via Instagram
5. going on a festive hayride
6. getting into the Halloween spirit
frankie.j.b via Instagram
6. getting into the Halloween spirit
7. picking apples to make some cider
fannythesamoyed via Instagram
7. picking apples to make some cider
8. getting ready for the big Thanksgiving dinner
stolby.the.dog via Instagram
8. getting ready for the big Thanksgiving dinner
9. and feasting on turkey
edmundandsally via Instagram
9. and feasting on turkey
10. bringing style this autumn
magnificentlifeofmack via Instagram
10. bringing style this autumn
11. eating apple and pumpkin pies
corgithomasbean via Instagram
11. eating apple and pumpkin pies
12. enjoying the autumn leaves
clark_and_vera via Instagram
12. enjoying the autumn leaves
13. having fun at a corn maze
ralphie.knapp via Instagram
13. having fun at a corn maze
14. being nice and cozy in Fall clothing
maltipoo_carrie via Instagram
14. being nice and cozy in Fall clothing
15. and, of course, enjoying a puppy pumpkin spice latte
petmama via Instagram
15. and, of course, enjoying a puppy pumpkin spice latte