13 Pets Having An Encounter With The Supernatural
1. "There's someone upstairs."
m4rceline via Reddit
1. "There's someone upstairs."
2. "It's safe in here."
ellyottlikesmemes via Reddit
3. When they sit like this staring at nothing for two minutes...
kat_marz via Reddit
3. When they sit like this staring at nothing for two minutes...
4. To hunt the spirits, you must become the spirits.
ishallbecomeabat via Reddit
4. To hunt the spirits, you must become the spirits.
5. "Basement? No heckin' way we're going down there!"
darlingstarlings via Reddit
5. "Basement? No heckin' way we're going down there!"
6. "I hear them."
Masters_of_cooking via Reddit
7. Saw a bug? Saw a ghost?
brad35mm via Reddit
7. Saw a bug? Saw a ghost?
8. "Try to catch me now, ghosties!"
donuts1 via Reddit
8. "Try to catch me now, ghosties!"
9. Very brief possession.
katiemagoo via Reddit
9. Very brief possession.
10. Don't turn around.
Tetravex09 via Reddit
11. "Mom, there's something under my bed."
alanpmartin via Reddit
11. "Mom, there's something under my bed."
12. Target acquired.
mehyc via Reddit
13. "The call was coming from... inside the house!"
amorr53 via Reddit
13. "The call was coming from... inside the house!"