16 Dogs Riding Skateboards Better Than Humans
Is there anything dogs can't do? They can even ride skateboards better than humans! Check them out!
1. I love the skate bark!
whole.lotta.grace via Instagram
1. I love the skate bark!
2. Watch out, world!
jessekang29 via Instagram
3. This is how we roll!
pikadventure via Instagram
4. They see me rollin', they hatin'.
chiwee_sebastian via Instagram
4. They see me rollin', they hatin'.
5. Tony Hawk who?
tuckshopcommunity via Instagram
6. Got my skate gear on!
the.little.bulldog via Instagram
7. Hold on, I'm getting the hang of this.
mother_james_to_6 via Instagram
7. Hold on, I'm getting the hang of this.
8. I think I need a smaller board.
axle_nova_hadley via Instagram
8. I think I need a smaller board.
9. He was a skater boy! She said "see you later, boy!"
littledudebeingcute via Instagram
9. He was a skater boy! She said "see you later, boy!"
10. I can do every trick in the book!
mr.bones.and.me via Instagram
10. I can do every trick in the book!
11. This doesn't look like the skate bark to me.
rebabulldog via Instagram
11. This doesn't look like the skate bark to me.
12. I can even skateboard on grass!
_tucker_dood_ via Instagram
12. I can even skateboard on grass!
13. Too cool for school.
quentin_thefrenchie via Instagram
14. That ramp? Nothing I can't handle.
arnoldthe_dachshund via Instagram
14. That ramp? Nothing I can't handle.
15. Hey, dudes! Let's ride!
sunkissedmoto via Instagram
15. Hey, dudes! Let's ride!
16. Ready to hit the road!
lifeofallister via Instagram
16. Ready to hit the road!