21 Cats Who've Fallen Into Cunning Cat Traps
These exceedingly clever humans have found ingenious ways to trap their cats by using the cats' natural instincts against them. Sometimes it's on purpose!
1. "Cleaned the aquarium and 5 minutes later..."
Zeewild via Reddit
1. "Cleaned the aquarium and 5 minutes later..."
2. Genius!
skimmiesthegingercat via Reddit
3. OK, who's really in charge here?
weirdalicat via Reddit
3. OK, who's really in charge here?
4. "I put this down to sweep the floor and accidentally made a cat trap"
sercebaterije via Reddit
4. "I put this down to sweep the floor and accidentally made a cat trap"
5. "My SO laid out her crochet project on the floor to measure it. Not even 30 seconds later..."
Andeck via Reddit
5. "My SO laid out her crochet project on the floor to measure it. Not even 30 seconds later..."
6. "He dragged the box all the way over to me to show me it worked!!"
black_hearted_dweeb via Reddit
6. "He dragged the box all the way over to me to show me it worked!!"
7. "He realized the box he entered is no longer stationary"
kyndragarten via Reddit
7. "He realized the box he entered is no longer stationary"
8. "Threw my belt on the floor. Trap working as intended."
OyabunRyo via Reddit
8. "Threw my belt on the floor. Trap working as intended."
9. "A trap for each cat"
thelavenderlily via Reddit
10. Looks cozy!
SilverAzeddy via Reddit
11. "My niece is fostering kittens, and her daughter left a toy on the floor"
LinguisticTerrorist via Reddit
11. "My niece is fostering kittens, and her daughter left a toy on the floor"
12. "Every damn time we order pizza..."
MarkieMew via Reddit
12. "Every damn time we order pizza..."
13. "My girlfriend made me correct it"
ExpletiveDysphemisms via Reddit
13. "My girlfriend made me correct it"
14. "He knows his worth"
GreenspaceCatDragon via Reddit
15. "My cat went missing for a half an hour while i was rushing to go to work. I didn’t knew were she was until I decided to get my work backpack ready.. obviously someone got bored and decided to come to work with me.."
Mario_cy_83 via Reddit
15. "My cat went missing for a half an hour while i was rushing to go to work. I didn't knew were she was until I decided to get my work backpack ready.. obviously someone got bored and decided to come to work with me.."
16. "The tentacle trap is working"
umenohana via Reddit
16. "The tentacle trap is working"
17. "The cat trap worked better than expected"
d2xdy2 via Reddit
17. "The cat trap worked better than expected"
18. "Filed under T for Trouble"
-Honey-Jack- via Reddit
18. "Filed under T for Trouble"
19. "Refused to use his new bed until now - check mate buddy"
mrschanandlerbong97 via Reddit
19. "Refused to use his new bed until now – check mate buddy"
20. "Kiwi falls for the smallest of traps. Just two pieces of mail on the stair waiting to be taken up."
wildtaylorberry via Reddit
20. "Kiwi falls for the smallest of traps. Just two pieces of mail on the stair waiting to be taken up."
21. "Captured the Entire Gang"
Artteachernc via Reddit
21. "Captured the Entire Gang"