22 Pics Of Newly Adopted Pets That Will Make You Say "AWWW"
Prepare to be bowled over by all of the feels stirred by these heartwarming adoption stories.
1. "Are you my new dad?"
SaintGumbo98 via Reddit
2. "Adopted our first family puppy today. Found my 2 year old and puppy like this later in the afternoon - I think we found a winner"
Fidel89 via Reddit
2. "Adopted our first family puppy today. Found my 2 year old and puppy like this later in the afternoon – I think we found a winner"
3. "Wanda my rescue puppy! I think this is her realizing she’s found her forever home. :)"
shelbygun via Reddit
3. "Wanda my rescue puppy! I think this is her realizing she's found her forever home. :)"
4. "Find you a guy who proposes to jointly adopt a kittum." (She said yes!)
February90 via Reddit
4. "Find you a guy who proposes to jointly adopt a kittum." (She said yes!)
5. "Shelter dog thanking the staff upon his adoption!"
Thun3rbolt via Reddit
5. "Shelter dog thanking the staff upon his adoption!"
6. "I found this little boy in the countryside, alone. Initially he was scared, now he seems to be pretty comfortable."
Aritmico via Reddit
6. "I found this little boy in the countryside, alone. Initially he was scared, now he seems to be pretty comfortable."
7. "My foster dog had never been indoors before. This is her first nap, on a bed, in a home. ♥️"
mugglequeen via Reddit
7. "My foster dog had never been indoors before. This is her first nap, on a bed, in a home. ♥️"
8. "Wasn't planning on adopting a kitten until she jumped up on my back. Libby is all mine now ❤️"
OHenryTwist via Reddit
8. "Wasn't planning on adopting a kitten until she jumped up on my back. Libby is all mine now ❤️"
9. "Adopted this girl 2 days ago and she's already showing her curls"
ninjasneverdie via Reddit
9. "Adopted this girl 2 days ago and she's already showing her curls"
10. "Just adopted a dog and had my boyfriend come over to meet her. He's already calling her 'our' dog"
minxynymph via Reddit
10. "Just adopted a dog and had my boyfriend come over to meet her. He's already calling her 'our' dog"
11. "Anytime someone asks why I adopted these siblings together, I send them this picture"
the-dogtor-is-in via Reddit
11. "Anytime someone asks why I adopted these siblings together, I send them this picture"
12. "Just got home from adopting this fella and we already cuddling!"
D_Poner57 via Reddit
12. "Just got home from adopting this fella and we already cuddling!"
13. "Went to look at rescue cats and this guy crawled into my hoodie ... [I] filled out the adoption papers not a minute later with the fluff ball still in my hood."
superbunnymonkey via Reddit
13. "Went to look at rescue cats and this guy crawled into my hoodie ... [I] filled out the adoption papers not a minute later with the fluff ball still in my hood."
14. "A kitten followed my mail cart for four blocks. Went back later to find her huddled by a garbage pile. Guess I adopted a kitten."
mike_pants via Reddit
14. "A kitten followed my mail cart for four blocks. Went back later to find her huddled by a garbage pile. Guess I adopted a kitten."
15. "Did I pick her or did she pick me? (I just adopted my first cat!)"
Alpha-Wolf10X via Reddit
15. "Did I pick her or did she pick me? (I just adopted my first cat!)"
16. "Koda just came to her retirement home from the shelter! She's 12, blind, and happy as can be."
cometostay via Reddit
16. "Koda just came to her retirement home from the shelter! She's 12, blind, and happy as can be."
17. "I adopted two special-needs kittens separately. Today they held hands for the first time"
skeletonclock via Reddit
17. "I adopted two special-needs kittens separately. Today they held hands for the first time"
18. "My brother's dog, Ricky, before and after adoption."
ChiefWolfy via Reddit
18. "My brother's dog, Ricky, before and after adoption."
19. "We adopted this cat a week ago and now he sits around like he is about to drop the worst dad jokes ever."
KupperRL via Reddit
19. "We adopted this cat a week ago and now he sits around like he is about to drop the worst dad jokes ever."
20. "A few weeks ago I adopted a puppy (right) and today a new dog appeared in front of the door and he looks like he is the same dog from the future and he is trying to warn himself about something."
Clear-Relief-1424 via Reddit
20. "A few weeks ago I adopted a puppy (right) and today a new dog appeared in front of the door and he looks like he is the same dog from the future and he is trying to warn himself about something."
21. "My dad was very against getting a dog, especially a small dog. We adopted her anyway and now they are best friends."
21. "My dad was very against getting a dog, especially a small dog. We adopted her anyway and now they are best friends."
22. "Officially “foster failed” today. I knew as soon as I got him, he wasn’t going anywhere. Everyone, welcome Chopper! (AKA Pork Chop)"
chaoticbellezza via Reddit
22. "Officially "foster failed" today. I knew as soon as I got him, he wasn't going anywhere. Everyone, welcome Chopper! (AKA Pork Chop)"