Please Enjoy 16 Dogs (And One Cat) Doing Themselves A Zoom
Before there were Zoom meetings, there were zoomies: the sudden and inexplicable urge that animals sometimes get to run around really, really, really fast.
1. "Caught mid-beach zoomies after lockdown."
nwnlsrs via Reddit
1. "Caught mid-beach zoomies after lockdown."
2. Zooming in 3...2...1
hugobullboss via Instagram
3. Technically, this might be more accurately classified as a galumph.
heidisdawghouse via Instagram
3. Technically, this might be more accurately classified as a galumph.
4. Snow zoomies!
rosiethelandseernewf via Instagram
5. "My dad's new puppy the moment you look at her."
Zombait via Reddit
5. "My dad's new puppy the moment you look at her."
6. "❄️❄️❄️Snow zoomies are the best!!⛄️⛄️⛄️"
golden.girl.cookie via Instagram
6. "❄️❄️❄️Snow zoomies are the best!!⛄️⛄️⛄️"
7. "Elmo’s first zoomie caught on photo."
evilbert79 via Reddit
7. "Elmo's first zoomie caught on photo."
8. Autumn-flavored zoomies
Kirishima_San via Reddit
8. Autumn-flavored zoomies
9. "He was raised in an all-concrete shelter. He goes wild every time we step into nature."
10. "Abby’s zoomie face"
lle1vebw via Reddit
11. Incoming!
Awentator via Reddit
12. There's no catching this Greyhound.
Peircen20 via Reddit
12. There's no catching this Greyhound.
13. Must. Run. Faster.
miniaussiechester via Instagram
14. Parkour!
Azsnee09 via Reddit
15. "The way my dog carries her donut toy... (ft. rare side Zoomies)"
16. When you zoom so hard you turn into a Velociraptor.
kearariggles via Reddit
16. When you zoom so hard you turn into a Velociraptor.
17. The zoom can no longer be contained.
BaronGreenback75 via Reddit
17. The zoom can no longer be contained.