15 Dogs Who Are Judging You So Hard
Dogs give side-eye like nobody else. When you don't give them enough treats or hide their favorite toy, they'll let you know they're judging you hard. Here are 15 dogs who've had enough.
1. When mom scolds you for hogging dad all to yourself.
myislandpup via Instagram
1. When mom scolds you for hogging dad all to yourself.
2. When you're not being given enough cuddles.
pongo_and_floki via Instagram
2. When you're not being given enough cuddles.
3. When they wake you up from your nap too early.
ear_is_scout via Instagram
3. When they wake you up from your nap too early.
4. When they criticize your hairstyle.
allibenanoff via Instagram
4. When they criticize your hairstyle.
5. When they won't play fetch with you.
titus_iam via Instagram
5. When they won't play fetch with you.
6. When mom starts doing her funny dance again.
bina_and_bodhi via Instagram
6. When mom starts doing her funny dance again.
7. When they judge you for your position so you judge them right back.
thecatandthepack via Instagram
7. When they judge you for your position so you judge them right back.
8. When they keep talking in that "cutesy" voice.
odin_and_milly_the_amstaffs via Instagram
8. When they keep talking in that "cutesy" voice.
9. When they wear the same jeans three days in a row.
anorthernbcgirl via Instagram
9. When they wear the same jeans three days in a row.
10. When they call you by that nickname you hate.
thepawfectpetconcierge via Instagram
10. When they call you by that nickname you hate.
11. When they put a silly hat on your head.
khaleesi_thetzu via Instagram
11. When they put a silly hat on your head.
12. When they won't wake up on time to take you on your walk.
lia6314 via Instagram
12. When they won't wake up on time to take you on your walk.
13. When they tell you not to bark.
sticksandbonesforever via Instagram
13. When they tell you not to bark.
14. When they try to get you off your favorite nap spot.
buddyandbabyjax via Instagram
14. When they try to get you off your favorite nap spot.
15. When they feed you the same kibble again as a "treat."
edgarallenpup via Instagram
15. When they feed you the same kibble again as a "treat."