19 Dogs, 2 Cats & 1 Baby Goat To Help You Feel Better

Earlier in the week, social media personality @darth asked his followers for cute animal pictures to spread some cheer and positivity.

As you'll see below, Critter Twitter was all too happy to oblige.

1. "Kima standing at attention, always ready to lend a paw."

1. "Kima standing at attention, always ready to lend a paw."

2. "darth, here is Muriel at her hydrotherapy session for her bad back today. She loves it tbh."

2. "darth, here is Muriel at her hydrotherapy session for her bad back today. She loves it tbh."

3. "Okay, so, my wife and I have had a dog for four months now... and I finally have a dog video worth sharing: Folks, I give you 'Momo Confused by PS5 Dashboard Noises'."

3. "Okay, so, my wife and I have had a dog for four months now... and I finally have a dog video worth sharing: Folks, I give you 'Momo Confused by PS5 Dashboard Noises'."

4. "Goose would like a bit of your waffle fries if you’re sharing."

4. "Goose would like a bit of your waffle fries if you're sharing."

5. "Do you think this is funny? Identity theft is no laughing matter."

5. "Do you think this is funny? Identity theft is no laughing matter."

6. "Button says hey. (His fur is growing back after heart surgery. He's doing much better now!)"

6. "Button says hey. (His fur is growing back after heart surgery. He's doing much better now!)"

7. "This is Archer. He loves to eat everything but his actual food."

7. "This is Archer. He loves to eat everything but his actual food."

8. "TFW you’re waiting for the bus and it is late."

8. "TFW you're waiting for the bus and it is late."

9. "We take the puppers for a longish walk on the weekends. There is a four way stop on the way, and Masala has learned that if she strategically lays down in this one spot, she'll get attention from all the drivers. Here she is hamming it up."

10. "Meet Khaleesi. She will only judge you a little bit..."

10. "Meet Khaleesi. She will only judge you a little bit..."

11. "Harley volunteers to make your day better"

11. "Harley volunteers to make your day better"

12. "The sweet and ever charming Ben, joining me for my morning work from home spot in DC! My cousin @selenalarson has the coolest pup ❤️"

12. "The sweet and ever charming Ben, joining me for my morning work from home spot in DC! My cousin @selenalarson has the coolest pup ❤️"

13. "When you can hear the picture."

13. "When you can hear the picture."

14. "Midge and I are on a plane."

14. "Midge and I are on a plane."

15. "My daily dose of serotonin!"

15. "My daily dose of serotonin!"

16. "Phil never lets an inside-out ear get in the way of being completely codependent."

16. "Phil never lets an inside-out ear get in the way of being completely codependent."

17. "Crime scene but when the culprit and investigator are one and the same, DUN DUN DUN."

17. "Crime scene but when the culprit and investigator are one and the same, DUN DUN DUN."

18. "Fresh from the groomers and ready to make spon con for Kong."

18. "Fresh from the groomers and ready to make spon con for Kong."

19. "Buster stole my pillow but I don't mind."

19. "Buster stole my pillow but I don't mind."

20. "Winston is still adjusting to daylight savings."

20. "Winston is still adjusting to daylight savings."

21. "the rescue fam with the gorgeous wife the alpha son in the far right is so not having it tho"

21. "the rescue fam with the gorgeous wife

the alpha son in the far right is so not having it tho"

22. "Have you met Hamish yet, @darth?"

22. "Have you met Hamish yet, @darth?"

This is a pet checkpoint. Share a photo of your pup, cat, or cute critter with us before clicking out to another post.​ 😛
