19 Dogs Who Don't Know Their Ear Is Inside Out
There's nothing quite as embarrassing as having your ear flipped inside out without knowing it. And it's even worse when nobody tells you! These dogs know that kind of suffering well.
1. "Hey, whatcha lookin' at?"
ninjawesley via Instagram
1. "Hey, whatcha lookin' at?"
2. "Do I have something on my face?"
coop_thecoonhound via Instagram
2. "Do I have something on my face?"
3. "Oh, yeah? Well, I think I look good like this."
ashlinn316 via Instagram
3. "Oh, yeah? Well, I think I look good like this."
4. Both ears inside out? That's the WORST.
jurassic.clark via Instagram
4. Both ears inside out? That's the WORST.
5. "I hope I look good. I have a job interview later."
max_miniaturedach via Instagram
5. "I hope I look good. I have a job interview later."
6. Even handsome boys have ear issues sometimes.
adopted_ollie via Instagram
6. Even handsome boys have ear issues sometimes.
7. This must be a new trend!
hiccupsthedog via Instagram
7. This must be a new trend!
8. "I can hear you better this way."
springspanieljournal_dougie via Instagram
8. "I can hear you better this way."
9. "This treato looks like a trick."
cazanddogs via Instagram
9. "This treato looks like a trick."
10. Sometimes people don't tell you about your inside out ear on purpose.
nigel_the_sausage via Instagram
10. Sometimes people don't tell you about your inside out ear on purpose.
11. If you tell him his ear is inside out, he'll thank you.
enzo.twysted_rottweiler via Instagram
11. If you tell him his ear is inside out, he'll thank you.
12. It's hard to flip your ear back when it's inside out.
patches_the_parson_russell via Instagram
12. It's hard to flip your ear back when it's inside out.
13. "I hope my sloths don't judge me for looking like this."
imnotrude_imrudy via Instagram
13. "I hope my sloths don't judge me for looking like this."
14. "I look so lopsided."
daisydoodoo29 via Instagram
14. "I look so lopsided."
15. The smaller dog is judging him hard.
paddyandteddybeagles via Instagram
15. The smaller dog is judging him hard.
16. Someone give this little angel a hand!
otis_longfellow via Instagram
16. Someone give this little angel a hand!
17. People who don't tell you your ears are flipped inside out are horrible.
Iggy_wallace via Instagram
17. People who don't tell you your ears are flipped inside out are horrible.
18. She is dignified even when her ears are lopsided like this.
bittersweetjudy via Instagram
18. She is dignified even when her ears are lopsided like this.
19. "OMG, I just saw myself in the mirror!"
legion_of_fuzz via Instagram
19. "OMG, I just saw myself in the mirror!"