15 Dogs And Roombas Living Life As Frenemies
Dogs and round little robots that zoom around eating everything in their path are not natural friends, but perhaps they are not enemies either. Learning to coexist is a beautiful thing.
1. This deserves the side-eye for sure.
tovithewildchild via Instagram
1. This deserves the side-eye for sure.
2. At least I'll be safe in my crate!
izumithegiant via Instagram
2. At least I'll be safe in my crate!
3. Hoping this new robot friend can't jump or fly.
steppups via Instagram
3. Hoping this new robot friend can't jump or fly.
4. Let's call a truce for the night.
bentleydoesitagain via Instagram
4. Let's call a truce for the night.
5. Makes an ok pillow.
dukeofbeefwellington via Instagram
6. The face you make when you don't like your new robot friend.
cstinedurf via Instagrams
6. The face you make when you don't like your new robot friend.
7. Ready to pounce on it at a moment's notice.
griffin_the_huskypup via Instagram
7. Ready to pounce on it at a moment's notice.
8. Marked safe from this round demon.
harry_on_chairs via Instagram
8. Marked safe from this round demon.
9. Best to keep your distance.
davyjonesthecorgi via Instagram
9. Best to keep your distance.
10. When you really didn't ask for a new roommate.
rescuedginny via Instagram
10. When you really didn't ask for a new roommate.
11. Smells...suspicious.
the.price.pack via Instagram
12. Uh oh, this new gadget thingie is too close to my crate.
cooperdahound via Instagram
12. Uh oh, this new gadget thingie is too close to my crate.
13. Terrified but also curious.
roscoe.the.cavachon via Instagram
13. Terrified but also curious.
14. Who's the boss?
badboibento via Instagram
15. Hmm, maybe I'll play nice.
louie_del_mar via Instagram
15. Hmm, maybe I'll play nice.