8 Ways To Celebrate Pride With Your Dog This June
LGBTQ+ Pride season is here, and as your best friend, your dog is your biggest ally! Pride season commemorates the Stonewall Riots, which happened in June 1969 in New York City, and are recognized as the birth of the modern LGBTQ rights movement in the United States.
This June, when you are making your Pride plans, don't forget about your dog! Whether you have a shy pup, or your dog is the life of the party there are ways you and your dog can have fun during Pride month together.
1. Go to Pride!
1. Go to Pride!
Of course, one of the classic ways to celebrate the Pride season with your dog is to bring your dog to a dog-friendly pride event in your local community. For most dogs quieter and smaller pride festivities like picnics in parks, or small festivals are going to be a better fit than large parades/marches. Before bringing your dog to Pride, be thoughtful about whether the event is going to be a good fit for your dog's comfort and personality. If you know that your dog struggles with being around large groups of people or dogs, it's best to leave your dog at home and celebrate together in other ways.
2. Dress your dog up (with their permission)
2. Dress your dog up (with their permission)
Pride is the perfect time to embrace yourself fully and dress in whatever outfits feel joyful and affirming to you. Your Pride outfits can be a great way to express who you are, and you can also dress your dog up for Pride events whether you're celebrating out in your community or just around the house. Pride themed outfits including rainbow costumes and shirts with LGBTQ+ affirming messages are available for dogs from many major retailers.
You can also find custom outfits for your dog from Etsy sellers. For dogs who aren't fans of outfits and accessories, consider getting your dog a Pride-themed bandana or collar to help them be festive for the season. You can even purchase Pride gear for dogs from many LGBTQ nonprofit organizations.
If you are dressing your dog up, make sure to carefully read your dog's body language for stress signals, and avoid costumes that restrict their ears or limit their vision in any way. When in doubt, opt for the bandana or collar option, as they are the least likely to cause stress to the dog!
3. Organize a Pride hike
3. Organize a Pride hike
A great alternative to bridging your dog to a busy Pride festival is to organize your LGBTQ+ friends who have dogs together to bring your dogs out walking together. Making plans with other LGBTQ identified pet parents can help you to feel less isolated and more part of the community during June. You and your friends can bring your dogs out walking for fun, or you could walk to raise money for an LGBTQ+ or animal-related organization in your local community.
4. Celebrate at home
4. Celebrate at home
Attending an organized Pride event can be overwhelming for people and dogs! If you're not up for going to Pride, or it's not something your dog would enjoy, that's ok! You and your dog can support each other at home during the month of June.
If you're looking for a quiet way to celebrate, consider having a movie night at home with your dog and watch your favorite LGBTQ+ affirming movie. Even if it's not safe for you to be out to other people, or you face homophobia or transphobia, you can always be out to your dog and have their support.
5. Teach your dog a Pride trick!
5. Teach your dog a Pride trick!
A fun trick to teach your dog is to hold a small rainbow (or other LGBTQ+ community) flag in their mouth. This trick is sure to impress your friends and chosen family, and is great for photos.
To teach this trick, use a small handheld flag with a wood or plastic stick attached. Hold the flag out to your dog and praise your dog for any interest in the flag. When your dog puts their mouth onto the flag, praise and treat your dog. Slowly build up the duration of how long your dog has the flag in their mouth with you also holding it. Once your dog is constantly holding the flag you can slowly take your hand away while your dog is still holding the flag. Slowly increase the length of time that your dog has the flag in their mouth and always remember to praise and treat your dog.
6. Give Your Dog Pride toys
6. Give Your Dog Pride toys
Giving your dog Pride-themed toys is a fun way to celebrate with them. Your dog will be excited to have a new toy to play with, and you'll get to add some useful rainbow or other affirming accents to your home.
Many Pride-themed pet toys are available at retailers across the country, and some even donate a portion of the proceeds to LGBTQ+ nonprofit organizations and causes.
Want to do something more DIY? You can make our own Pride tug at home. Get rainbow fleece from the craft store and cut it into strips, then braid those strips of rainbow fleece together. Then, you'll have a Pride-themed tug toy that you and your dog can play with together.
7. Give your dog Pride treats
7. Give your dog Pride treats
Regardless of what pride Plans you have with your dog, don't forget to stock up on festive treats. Many local dog bakeries create themed dog cupcakes, cookies and pride-themed goodies that are safe for dogs to eat. You can even order Pride-themed treats in bulk for your dog to keep them prepped with pride treats all month long.
8. Take them on an LGBTQ+ history walk
8. Take them on an LGBTQ+ history walk
If you live in or near New York City, consider taking your dog on a walk past the Stonewall Inn. Although you can't go inside with your dog, there is outdoor seating. You can also introduce your dog to the statues that honor the LGBTQ community in Christopher Park across from the Stonewall Inn. This park with LGBTQ statues has been an important site of resistance and community since 1969. Looking for more of a walk? You can then bring your dog on a walk up the historic NYC West Side Piers.
Outside of New York? Look up your town or state to see if there are any sites of LGBTQ resistance. (There might be more than you expected!) If you find one you want to go to, make sure it is dog-friendly and safe for your dog's personality, so you can take a Pride walk together.
Happy Pride!