Why Chihuahuas Might Not Be The Best Dog Breed To Have Around Kids

Chihuahuas are extremely popular dogs — they're tiny, adorable, and sell Taco Bell. Often, they show up in mixes with other breeds, like dachshunds (Chiweenies), beagles (Cheagles), and corgis (Chorgis, of course). But just because they're little and baby Chihuahuas are potentially the cutest creatures on the planet doesn't mean they make great dogs for families with kids. Now, this is a bit of a generalization. Surely, there are perfect, easygoing Chihuahuas out there who love their little human siblings. However, as a breed, Chihuahuas may not be the best choice for a households with children.


On an American Kennel Club scale spanning "Not Recommended" to "Good With Children," Chihuahuas fall firmly in former category. Some point to their small stature as a plus for getting along with kids, but Chihuahuas can actually be too small for children, who tend to play rough; a purebred Chihuahua won't get up to much more than 6 pounds. If they feel threatened or overwhelmed, they can snap or bite. They are feisty and boisterous dogs with protective natures, but they can be very devoted to the right person or family who makes them feel comfortable and loved.

Who should adopt Chihuahuas?

Chihuahuas are great for apartment living — if you reside in a city, it's a breed to consider. That said, they still require daily walks and thorough training. If you don't show your chihuahua who's boss, that tiny pup could become something of a tyrant.


Loyalty is a word that comes up again and again in discussions about Chihuahuas. While it's a great feeling for your dog to be so in love with you, it's important to socialize Chihuahuas from a young age. Your pup should meet lots of other people and dogs because you want to prevent them from being so protective of you that they become aggressive toward any person or dog that tries to get close.

Lastly, purebred Chihuahuas come in two varieties: long coat and smooth coat. Unfortunately for those with dog allergies, chihuahuas may not be the best pick because they shed substantially despite their small stature. Chihuahuas require grooming, and they're not hypoallergenic, so that's definitely something to keep in mind when considering the breed.


The best dog breeds and approaches for families with kids

So, you're looking for a dog for your family, and you know a Chihuahuas might not be the ideal choice. What type of dog should you get if you have kids? Luckily, there are lots of breeds known for being laid back and child-friendly. If you still hope for a dog on the smaller side, check out border terriers, beagles, and Japanese spitzes. Meanwhile, the list of larger dog breeds that are good with children includes boxers, Newfoundlands, collies, Labrador retrievers, and golden retrievers.


Of course, just because a breed is generally regarded as kid-friendly doesn't mean that every dog of that type is perfect for your family. It's important to see how a pup interacts with small children before bringing them into your home for good. Additionally, dogs are animals, and even the most tolerant, loving pup can reach a breaking point if they're being tugged on, poked, and prodded at by a little kid.

It doesn't get cuter than dogs and kids hanging out together. But it's extremely important to teach kids to be respectful and gentle with dogs from a young age. Similarly, it's important to expose your dog to children as soon as possible to foster that mellow, relaxed bond.

