What Happens When A Dog Is Raised By Cats? These Firsthand Stories From Pet Parents Are Too Sweet

The idea that dogs and cats are natural enemies is largely a myth, as countless pet owners have stories that prove otherwise. Though they communicate differently — dogs wag their tails to show joy while cats often swish theirs in irritation — these species can learn to live together peacefully and even form close bonds. In fact, researchers have discovered that friendly cats and dogs will greet each other with nose touches and can develop the ability to read one another's body language, per Science Direct. When a dog is raised in a household of cats, the dog might also adopt cat-like behaviors, such as stalking, pouncing, and even attempting to purr.


People find it heartwarming and hilarious to see dogs mimic their feline friends. A viral TikTok video highlights a dog lounging like a cat, earning it a "10/10 loaf" rating (the extent to which it resembles a loaf of bread) from one viewer for its perfect feline pose. Additionally, the pup has learned to pounce and groom itself just like its cat siblings. These endearing behaviors demonstrate the unexpected ways dogs adapt to the cats they live with.


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So be ready to get the feels and snort the milk as we explore charming firsthand accounts from pet owners who have watched their dogs develop unique blends of canine and feline traits after being raised alongside cats. While these stories may not answer age-old questions such as, "Can a dog fall in love with a cat?" they do get us partway there.

Pups who pounce

Even prior to the advent of the internet, we were familiar with the image of dogs chasing cats (or squirrels). But thanks to the World Wide Web, what appeared once rare — dogs being raised by cats — is apparently more commonplace than we thought. Some dogs take their feline upbringing to heart, especially when it comes to play and hunting behaviors. Reddit user BoomerKaren666 shared the story of a corgi mix puppy that mimicked its cat companion's stalking style. Instead of bounding after squirrels like a typical dog, the corgi would crouch low, wiggle its butt, and then pounce — just as a cat would when hunting its prey. This quirky behavior, learned from its feline friend, turned the dog into an expert at sneaking up on targets.


Similarly, indian162 recounted how their dog, Buster, who was raised by two cats, continued to pounce like a cat long after the cats had left. Every time Buster performed this feline-style leap during play, it left his owner in stitches. Another Redditor, NickeKass, shared that their dog, raised with seven cats, developed a "kick and play" attitude, using her hind legs to mimic the way cats kick to defend themselves or bat at toys.

Old dogs learning very new tricks

While it's common to see cats learning behaviors from other cats, there are a number of instances in which dogs pick up such tricks. Several pet owners shared stories of dogs adopting cat-like grooming habits and social dynamics. Reddit user arielonhoarders recalled how their Yorkshire terrier and tomcat became inseparable companions, spending their days grooming each other in the sun. "The cat was clearly the dominant figure in the house," the Redditor wrote, recalling how it taught the dog to relax and bond in true feline style.


Similarly, Forsaken_Paint_3697 shared how their bull terrier, Daisy, took on a parental role for the family's kitten, Misty Day. Whenever Misty went missing, Daisy would search for her and bring her back, much like a mother cat caring for her litter. Their strong bond, with Daisy looking out for Misty, showed a unique crossover of dog and cat instincts.

Even larger breeds get in on the act. SexualRedditor shared a story about their 100-pound Malamute, raised alongside a cat, who started rubbing his body against people, just like his feline companion. Though he's much bigger than his 8-pound "brother," this dog still acts like a cat, unaware of his size.

Purring puppers

Most cat parents are very familiar with the sound of meow-sic and the array of reasons cats will meow. But not when it's coming from a pup. Another group of anecdotes centers around dogs mimicking cat-like vocalizations, creating some amusing and surprising behaviors. One Redditor described a Rottweiler that, after being raised with four cats, tried to purr when petted. The result was a happy growl that startled visitors, as the dog, thinking it was purring, would emit a sound more like a menacing growl.


Similarly, Simone812 shared the endearing story of their girlfriend's German Shepherd mix, who, after meeting their elderly cat, tried to imitate purring when receiving affection. The dog would look expectantly at its owners, as if asking whether it was doing the "purring thing" correctly, creating a strange yet heartwarming and humorous moment.

Dogs playing like cats

A number of pet owners shared stories of how their dogs, raised alongside cats, picked up feline play habits. Reddit user miss_chapstick shared how their dog, raised by two cats, loved to play exuberantly, often annoying her cat siblings, but was always loved and accepted by them. The dog even learned to share her food with the cats, showing how close their bond had become.


Similarly, RunRunRabbitRunovich described how their dog, entering a home with five cats, ended up adopting a distinctly feline playstyle. The dog not only played with cat toys but taught one of its kitty companions how to chew on deer antlers. The misfit household turned into a perfect example of interspecies friendship, with both the dog and cats learning from and thinking well of each other, to the extent we can decode their thoughts.

Cat naps for all

Several stories highlight how dogs raised by cats mimic their feline companions' sleeping styles and subtle body language cues. One of the most popular cat behaviors dogs adopt is curling up in small spaces, just like a cat. Reddit user dragonrider1965 shared a funny story about their dog, who was raised by cats and seems to believe it is a cat itself, even curling up onto laps despite being a larger dog.


We also find that dogs and cats take up each other's distinctive sleep poses, as noted by Redditor sippin_gold. "Both sleep back against the floor with their paws in the air," they wrote of their kitty and pup.

When they're not sleeping, cats and dogs sometimes discover that they enjoy relaxing in similar ways. Reddit user ValkyrieWild humorously remarked that huskies do seem to "run on cat software" in response to Longjumping-Winter43's photo and comment. This cross-species influence was apparent in the dog and its four tuxedo cat companions sharing the same favorite pastime: parking themselves in front of the window when something outside captured their interest (like birds or squirrels).

