The Extremely Popular Fish That Beginners Should Keep Out Of Their Aquarium

Walk into any major pet retail chain store, and chances are you will see a display of colorful fish kept in small, plastic containers. These majestic-looking fish are called betta fish, also known as the Siamese fighting fish, due to their territorial tendencies and history of being forced to fight for human entertainment. Despite what many people tend to assume, these gorgeous aquatic critters aren't the best choice for beginners.


It's easy to assume these fish are beginner-friendly due to their vast popularity and the way they are seen in many pet stores. However, betta fish have very specific care and environmental needs that must be met. Because of this, many inexperienced fish owners may not have the necessary knowledge or supplies to properly care for this breed. If you're considering getting a betta, it's important to do your research beforehand so you can give them the life they need and decide if they truly are the best fish fit for you.

Betta fish tank requirements

When it comes to their environmental needs, betta fish have strict requirements that need to be followed. Betta fish can't be kept in a regular fish bowl, needing a proper tank of at least five gallons, but the bigger the better. There should also be a filter in their tank to help remove any potential toxins.


Betta fish are tropical fish, and their tank needs to reflect those needs. They will need a heater in the tank, and it needs to consistently be kept at a temperature of 76 to 81 degrees, per the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign College of Veterinary Medicine. Along with the water being warm, you also need to be cautious of the type of water you put in a betta tank. Tap water can contain chemicals like chlorine that are dangerous to betta fish, so tap water in the tank needs to either be dechlorinated or bottled water can be used instead.

When decorating their tanks, it's important to not go overboard, as betta fish like to move around their tank and you will want to make sure they have enough room to do so. However, this doesn't mean you need to scrap the decorations for good, as having a hideout can actually be beneficial and entertain a betta fish. They like to have their own space, and it's a good idea to give them a place to hide like a cave. If you plan to use plants in your betta tank, opt for live ones, as plastic ones can be damaging to their fins.


Betta fish care

Along with their tank requirements, betta fish also have other specific care needs that must be met. Betta fish can live for around 5-7 years, says petMD, so before purchasing one of these stunning fish, you want to make sure you are fully committed to giving them the care they need for this entire span of their life. When it comes to what they eat, bettas should be fed pellet or flake food, or you can make homemade betta food. You should only give your betta an amount of food they can consume in a few minutes, as the uneaten food can sink to the bottom of the tank and affect the water quality.


If you are considering owning more than one betta fish, it's extremely important to be aware of their gender. While male betta fish may be able to live with other kinds of fish, male betta fish should not live together under any circumstance. If kept in the same tank, male betta fish will get territorial and fight, and it won't end pretty. When it comes to female betta, they are typically safe to live in the same tank, as long as the tank is on the larger side. If kept in a tank that's too small, it's possible for females to also become territorial. This is another reason why these fish don't make the best pets for beginners, as it can end in tragedy if an owner isn't aware of a betta's temperament.


