5 Of The Biggest Pet Cats Ever On Record

They say the measure of a man is not in his height, but in his character. However, when it comes to cats, size definitely tells a fascinating story! Some cats stretch out to unbelievable lengths, while others stand tall with impressive height, and some simply tip the scales with their hefty weight. Breed characteristics and genetics play a significant role, especially in hybrids like Savannahs, where their wild ancestries contribute to their larger size.


We marvel at the impressive proportions of these record-breaking felines. From the longest Maine coon to the tallest Savannah, these extraordinary felines redefine our expectations of domestic cat size. But it's not just about their physical proportions; these gentle giants also possess big hearts and personalities to match. Indeed, they are proof paw-sitive of the awesome diversity and potential within the domestic cat world.

Stewie, the Main Coon who measured up

Stewie, a Maine coon, wasn't just the Guinness World Record holder for the longest domestic cat, measuring an astounding 123 centimeters (48.5 inches) when stretching from nose to tail; he also earned a second record for the longest tail on a domestic cat, which measured 16.34 inches! Born as Mymains Stewart Gilligan, Stewie lived in Reno, Nevada, with his humans Robin Hendrickson and Erik Brandsness.


Stewie was not only famous for his size but also for his work as a therapy cat, visiting hospitals, classrooms, and senior centers to provide comfort. Hendrickson said Stewie had a natural ability to connect with people, particularly children, and helped many non-verbal patients engage during his therapy sessions. Stewie died in 2013 from cancer, but his legacy as a record-breaking gentle giant and beloved therapy cat lives on.

Arcturus and Fenrir, two towering brothers

In the world of domestic felines, two remarkable brothers, Arcturus and Fenrir, have left their mark with their towering stature and unique personalities. Arcturus, a Savannah cat, first claimed the title of the tallest domestic cat ever recorded, reaching an astounding 48.4 centimeters (19.05 inches) in height. Alongside his record-holding height, he was known for his affectionate personality. Arcturus died in 2017, but his legacy is preserved in the record books and the hearts of cat enthusiasts.


Carrying on the family tradition, Arcturus' brother, Fenrir, now holds the title for the tallest living domestic cat. Standing at an impressive 47.83 centimeters (18.83 inches) tall, Fenrir is a true standout, even amongst his fellow Savannahs. His extraordinary height can be attributed to his breed's wild lineage, as he's the grandson of a serval, a wild African cat known for its long legs and large ears.

Fenrir inherited the striking, sleek appearance and impressive height of his ancestors, but his impact extends beyond his impressive size. He also serves as a therapy animal at the medical practice of his cat parent, Dr. William Powers, where he provides comfort and emotional support to patients. Dubbed a "big loveable goofus" by Powers, he continues to defy common perceptions of hybrid cats.


Himmy, the cat who changed the record books

Himmy, a domestic cat from Australia, set the record for the heaviest cat in 1986, weighing 21.3 kilograms (46.8 pounds). His weight raised concerns about animal welfare, leading Guinness World Records to discontinue the "heaviest cat" category in 1998 to discourage unhealthy feeding practices and promote responsible pet ownership. Himmy reportedly died due to respiratory failure.


Himmy's story serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of overfeeding pets. Overweight cats are more likely to develop serious health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. To assist your pet with maintaining a healthy weight, it's important to follow feeding guidelines, consult a veterinarian for a diet plan, and provide regular exercise and stimulation for essential enrichment. By taking these steps, you can help your pet live a longer, healthier life. After all, personal records are just as important as world records.

Sophie Smith: From paper bag to world record

Sophie Smith, a rescue cat from Oceanside, California, boasts the Guinness World Record for the longest fur on a cat, a remarkable 25.68 centimeters (10.11 inches) at its longest point. Found as a kitten in a humble paper bag, Sophie was rescued by Jami Smith, who initially intended to take her to a shelter but quickly fell in love with the fluffy feline. While not big in the more traditional sense, there's no denying that Sophie has an impressive coat.


Despite needing bottle-feeding and extra care in her early days, Sophie thrived. Her long kitten hair kept growing to record-breaking lengths that surpassed the previous champion, Colonel Meow. This luxurious coat, coupled with her heartwarming rescue story, has made Sophie a beloved figure among cat enthusiasts worldwide and proven that even the most unassuming rescue animals can grow into greatness.

Ludo, the laid back and loveable media darling

Ludo, a Maine coon from the U.K., held the title for the longest domestic cat (living) at one point, measuring 118.33 centimeters (46.58 inches). He also weighed an impressive 34 pounds. A gentle giant, Ludo was known for being an especially laid back and lovable cat, adored by his human caretakers and fans alike.


Ludo's striking size made him a media favorite and his record was recognized by Guinness. This gentle giant remains an iconic figure among Maine coons, showcasing the breed's potential for impressive size and a loving temperament. Barivel, a Maine coon from Italy, took over as the longest domestic cat alive at 120 centimeters (3 ft 11.2 inches) in 2018.

