How Long Do Betta Fish Live? It Depends On How You Care For Them
There are over 70 species of betta fish, with the most common pet varieties being the crowntail, delta, double tail, and halfmoon. Betta fish purchased from a pet store can live up to seven years; however, it's more common for a betta fish to live about two to five years in captivity. There are rumors that the oldest betta fish made it to 10 years of age; however, this claim is purely anecdotal, so it's best to approach it with caution.
Betta fish may already be 6 months to a year old by the time they arrive at the pet store. In addition, male betta fish take longer to mature and gain their full coloration, potentially making them even older by the time they're ready to go home with you. Luckily, there are multiple ways you can help extend your pet's lifespan. With the right betta fish entertainment activities, a great tank setup, and some knowledge of their longevity, they're more likely to stay happy and healthy.
Betta fish will not thrive in small containers
Betta fish have strict aquarium requirements that can make them challenging for beginners to care for. It's a common misconception that they enjoy living in small spaces. They don't thrive in bowls or vases due to the cramped space and lack of proper filtration. Veterinarian Dr. Krista Keller from the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign explained, "Betta fish are often seen living in bowls that are too small to allow for normal swimming and hiding behavior."
The poor conditions of such tiny containers can make it hard for your betta to thrive. Instead, A good aquarium kit, such as the Pondon 5-gallon Tank for Bettas can start you off with the basics, as Dr. Keller shared that these fish should ideally have a 5-gallon tank to themselves. If they'll be housed with other fish, you'll need a larger tank. Proper filtration and heating are also important: The tank's temperature should be maintained at 76 to 81 degrees Fahrenheit with a heater and fitted with a low-flow filtration system to keep the water clean.
Choose the right tankmates to minimize stress for your betta
The wrong tankmates can lead to extra stress or fights — which can drastically shorten your betta's lifespan. There are a few fish that are good for keeping with bettas if you'd like more variety in your aquarium — just be sure your container is appropriately sized to house everyone without crowding. It's also important to note that bettas are carnivores, so if they're underfed or bored they may hunt their tankmates.
Male bettas typically should be housed alone due to territorial issues, or live with non-betta fish in an aquarium of at least 10 gallons, per PetMD. Non-territorial tankmates are best, such as tetras, as they'll stay out of your betta's territory and explore different levels of the aquarium. Females are easier to house and can be kept in small groups together, though you'll want a minimum of a 15-gallon aquarium to accommodate this scenario. In addition, some non-fish tankmates, like snails or ghost shrimp, do okay with betta fish.
Food and enrichment for your betta's health
Keeping your betta fish healthy and well-fed is important for expanding their lifespan. Overfeeding and giving too many treats can be detrimental to bettas, as obesity can affect their health. A pelleted diet formulated specifically for bettas, such as Hikari Gold Betta Pellets, offers a good balance of nutrition. In addition, bettas enjoy snacks like freeze-dried brine shrimp; however, you should only offer them occasionally to prevent your fish from gaining too much weight.
An engaging environment is also important for keeping your betta fish active and healthy. Having plenty of tank decorations can add enrichment by providing places for your betta to hide, hang out, and explore. However, it's important to avoid any sharp edges or rough textures on any tank decorations, as they can easily tear delicate fins. Live plants, such as Java ferns, can also add variety and are fun for your betta to nibble on.