One Of The Friendliest Dog Breeds Is Also Known For Its Incredible Swimming Skills

Many dog breeds are known for their excellent temperaments. However, if you're a nature lover or looking for a canine that will enjoy spending time with the family lakeside, you might want a breed that can swim too. Do all dogs like to swim? The adventurous and loving Newfoundland certainly does! In fact, the Newfoundland is one of the friendliest dog breeds that is also highly skilled in the water, with the ability to swim nearly 3 miles per hour with training from an early age.

Also known as the Newfie, the Newfoundland excels in several categories, including affection, temperament around children, and behavior around other dogs. Nicknamed the "gentle giant," these pups are also beloved by many, perhaps in no small part because of their use as canine lifeguards at places like Scarborough Beach State Park in Maine. Newfoundlands "have tremendous endurance and can swim for miles; they can pull thousands of pounds in the water," American Academy of Canine Water Rescue president and founder Maria E. Gray, Ph.D., shared with the American Kennel Club (AKC). They can even be trained to jump from helicopters to assist people during water rescue missions.

What makes Newfoundlands great swimmers?

This breed has had a long history with swimming, making Newfoundlands famous for their abilities. They were first bred as working dogs to assist fishermen in their namesake Canadian province of Newfoundland. From there, they grew popular due to their sweet natures and superb skills.  A heavy frame and strong muscles make a Newfie able to save grown people from drowning. 

Their unique abilities lie in a few characteristics of the breed. First is their large size, with adult Newfies reaching about 150 pounds on average. Second, is the thick double-coat that protects them from harsh conditions such as frigid water. Their coats also make them a dog breed that thrives in cold weather. Lastly, Newfoundland's have large, webbed feet that help them easily tread water. It also gives them enough power to break through strong waves or heavy tides when swimming.

How Newfies earned the title of 'gentle giant'

Newfies easily fit into the giant breed category thanks to their large size, earning them the "giant" part of their title. The gentle part comes from their breed standard. According to the (AKC), a sweet temperament is the "most important single characteristic of the breed." They're also known as the "nanny dog," a nod to their exceptional skill with children.

Many famous Newfoundlands have shown just how true the "gentle giant" title is. Famous poet Lord Byron wrote about his own Newfoundland, Boatswain, eulogizing him in the poem "Epitaph to a Dog" when he passed away. A Newfoundland named Seaman also traveled alongside Lewis and Clark, making many friends along the way. Rigel, a Newfoundland that accompanied his owner on the Titanic, swam next to a lifeboat for three hours after the ship plunged into the icy water. He played a direct role in saving the weakened survivors on the lifeboat, with his barks in the darkness preventing them from being hit by the ship of their would-be rescuers.

Have you also fallen in love with the Newfoundland? Check out a local rescue or breeder and see if they're the right dog for you.
