Mistakes Everyone Makes With New Puppies (And What To Do Instead)

There's no such thing as the perfect puppy parent. As many seasoned owners can attest, the road to having a well-socialized dog is filled with mistakes, with puppyhood itself rife with trial and error. There's also a lot of pressure. After all, you don't want to "ruin" your puppy before they've even grown up. What's a well-intentioned owner to do?

If you have a new puppy (or are thinking about getting one), there's no cause for alarm when it comes to making mistakes. They're inevitable. Yet, it's important to understand some of the common errors owners make so you can avoid them yourself. For example, feeding your puppy at the dinner table may seem like a fun way to interact, but as they mature, they could come to expect handouts. In another scenario, you may bring your puppy to the park so they can socialize, but without their vaccines, they could contract serious diseases.

Understanding what constitutes normal puppy behavior, how to utilize positive reinforcement, and the power of boundaries will go a long way toward promoting your pet's health and happiness. Knowing the errors made by even the most experienced dog owners can also build your confidence as you and your puppy embark on your new life together.

Not letting puppies get enough rest

Have you ever heard the term "let sleeping dogs lie"? There's a literal truth to it -– especially regarding puppies. It may seem tempting to rouse your puppy from their third nap of the day, but in the long run, this could have more drawbacks than benefits. For starters, puppies spend most of their time napping. A puppy may snooze for 18 to 20 hours a day, and during this time, their central nervous system, brain, immune system, and muscles develop. By waking up your puppy for yet another play session, they could become more prone to mood changes and behavioral issues. 

Needless to say, puppies need their rest. Just like newborn babies mostly sleep during their first few months of life, so do puppies! You can encourage a healthy sleep schedule for your puppy based on their age and overall activity level. Short naps throughout the day, along with an established bedtime, can go a long way in promoting your dog's mood and helping their body develop while they snooze. And whatever you do, resist the urge to wake them for snuggle sessions — no matter how cute they look! 

Taking puppies to public places before getting them vaccinated

There's no doubt that socializing a puppy is critical to their cognitive development and overall mental health. This spurs many eager owners to take their new pets to public parks, stores, and other high-traffic areas. However, these fun outings expose puppies to transmissible diseases that could result in veterinary emergencies. That's because a canine's immune system doesn't fully develop until they reach around 6 months old. Before then, they risk attacks from bacteria, viruses, and fungal infections that wouldn't phase adult dogs.

You should avoid taking your puppy to public places until they've received their full round of vaccinations for kennel cough, rabies, canine distemper, and other life-threatening conditions. While you may feel frustrated about the limited opportunities for socializing your new puppy, not all is lost during this period. Your pet can get proper socialization from car rides, meeting new people in your living room, and enjoying one-on-one play sessions with vaccinated dogs. Once your puppy has all of the necessary vaccines, they can go just about anywhere you go!

Encouraging rough playtime

It's easy to unintentionally encourage rough play with puppies, especially when they're just a few months old. Their excitability, combined with their clumsy paws and little teeth, may be too much to resist. Yet, wrestling with your puppy can become a big issue as they age. While it may have seemed fun to roughhouse with an 8-week-old boxer, at 18 months, you might feel like you're going up against an actual heavyweight champion.

Puppies learn what's acceptable and what's not during playtime. If you allow nipping, biting, and aggressive play, you encourage that behavior as they mature. Not only will you be constantly covered in bite marks, but other dogs could interpret rough play as a threat –– and the last thing you want is a fight. When playing with your puppy, set firm boundaries by ending playtime the moment it gets too rough. With repetition, patience, and positive reinforcement, your puppy will understand that rough play isn't okay and mold their style to meet your expectations.

Feeding a puppy the wrong food

Not all dog food is formulated the same way. There's a reason why some bags of dry kibble are intended for older dogs, while others are for puppies. For example, food for senior dogs comes packed with joint supplements and other nutrients to promote mobility. It also has a lower calorie count than puppy food since senior dogs are prone to obesity. If a puppy eats food formulated for adult or senior dogs, they won't get the appropriate nutrition needed for healthy development. Down the road, nutritional deficiencies could lead to diabetes, obesity, and a weakened immune system. 

Puppy food is calorically dense, which is conducive to the rapid growth a puppy experiences within their first year. It's also formulated with the vitamins and minerals needed for healthy development. The ideal puppy food will be rich in protein and calcium, offering the proper nutrition to help their bones and muscles grow, along with minerals for optimizing coat and skin health. The amount you should feed your puppy (and how often) depends on their age and breed. After all, a 12-week-old great Dane will require a very different diet than a 1-year-old German shepherd.

Neglecting routine vet appointments

Veterinary appointments aren't just for sick dogs. They're also a valuable resource when it comes to ensuring your puppy develops properly and gets the vaccines they need to avoid contracting infectious diseases. Upon purchase or adoption from a reputable breeder or shelter, most puppies come with their first round of shots. From there, your puppy should get additional "top-up" vaccines every three or four weeks until they reach 4 to 5 months old. 

During these vaccination appointments, your puppy's veterinarian will become familiar with their health profile, assessing their weight gain and sensory development. They may also screen the puppy for congenital defects, such as heart murmurs and cryptorchidism (a condition in male puppies where one or both testicles don't descend). Regularly taking your puppy to the vet is an excellent opportunity to ensure they get a healthy start in life. Talk to your veterinarian about creating a meal plan, preventing common illnesses, and offering enrichment. You should also get the contact information of after-hours vet clinics in case anything happens outside of regular office hours.

Failing to recognize symptoms of emergency health problems

Because a puppy's immune system is still developing, they can experience medical problems that seemingly come out of nowhere. A puppy may go about their daily activities in the morning, and then require emergency veterinary care that night. Viral infections, respiratory infections, and complications from parasites are all common (but potentially serious) health problems in puppies.

Dogs (including puppies) instinctively hide pain to avoid showing weakness. It's a natural behavior that would benefit a vulnerable canine in the wild. Unfortunately, this can make it difficult for pet parents to recognize the difference between normal puppy behavior and situations that require urgent veterinary care.

Serious symptoms you shouldn't ignore in your dog include (but aren't limited to) an inability to stand, vomiting/diarrhea, and a lack of response to touch. Loss of appetite, ooze from the eyes, and bloating are also symptoms of underlying medical conditions that require urgent care. You should never take any chances when it comes to your puppy's health. It's best to err on the side of caution and take your dog to an emergency veterinary clinic rather than risk heartbreak.

Underestimating the importance of puppyhood socialization

A new puppy is precious. It's understandable to think twice about exposing them to unfamiliar situations –- especially if they only weigh a few pounds. Yet, early socialization is critical to ensuring that your puppy grows into a mature, well-mannered adult who can navigate various situations with ease. By limiting the interactions your puppy has with other people and dogs, you risk fueling their anxiety, reactivity, destructive behavior, and other behavioral issues.

Socializing your puppy begins at home. Before they're fully vaccinated, invite your friends and family over to engage and play with your puppy. Keep interactions short so as not to overwhelm the dog, and ensure that everyone reinforces boundaries, like ignoring demand barking, to shape their behavior. You can also take your puppy on car rides, expose them to different sounds, and sit with them on the front lawn as pedestrians pass.

After your pet has received their vaccines, you can up the socialization by taking them to dog-friendly public places and introductory puppy training classes. These activities will offer more opportunities to fulfill your canine's need for stimulation all while building the foundation for their social habits.

Mistaking normal puppy behavior for acting out

What's considered normal behavior for puppies is very different from what's considered normal behavior for adult dogs. It's unacceptable for a mature dog to nip while playing, relieve themself indoors, or engage in demand barking. Yet, these are all just normal behaviors for puppies, and while annoying, they generally improve with consistent training and patience. A puppy that misbehaves is not a "bad dog." In fact, responding to undesired behaviors with spanking or shouting may only increase the likelihood of reactivity as the puppy ages.

To understand the difference between puppy play and troubling behavioral problems, first educate yourself on normal puppy behavior. Additionally, as your puppy matures, observe their behavior and see whether certain problematic acts fade away or become more prevalent. A good example is nipping, which puppies most commonly do between the ages of 12 to 16 weeks, peaking at around 13 weeks. Yet, if your dog continues nipping into adulthood, this could cause problems with interactions down the road.

Positive reinforcement training, combined with setting firm boundaries, will shape your puppy's temperament into one that fits your expectations and lifestyle. Punishing a puppy (or any dog for that matter) for "acting out" may foster an adversarial relationship rather than one based on trust and respect. Consult with an experienced dog trainer to learn more about which training modality best suits your puppy's learning style. 

Unintentionally reinforcing undesirable behaviors

If you're like most new puppy owners, you can't deny your furry friend anything. When met with those sad puppy-dog eyes, you may find yourself feeding them table scraps, playing past their bedtime, and encouraging aggressive play. While each of these things would be welcomed by any dog, they ultimately do more harm than good.

You play an integral role in shaping your puppy's behavior and setting expectations for what's acceptable and what's not. You become their parent, and they'll look to you for guidance on how to navigate this new world. If you feed your puppy from your plate, you're not only rewarding them for being close to you while eating, but you're also blurring the line between what's your food and what's theirs. This could lead to counter surfing and resource guarding once your puppy reaches maturity.

In another example, consider a puppy who barks incessantly until they get what they want. Some puppy owners will reinforce the behavior by giving in to the dog's demands, signaling that this act is not only okay, but will eventually yield a reward, whether that's a treat or attention. Reinforcing boundaries and discouraging "bad" behaviors starts with first considering your expectations. Do you want your dog to sleep in your bed? If not, don't let them -– even if they whine. Similarly, does your dog beg at the table? If yes, don't give them anything.

Neglecting puppies' dental health

Just like people, dogs need consistent dental care to prevent cavities and lost teeth. Unfortunately, it's a common aspect of canine care that many well-intentioned owners overlook. PetMD shares that up to 80% of dogs will develop dental disease before they hit the 3-year mark. The risk of dental disease is especially prevalent in Yorkshire terriers, Chihuahuas, and Labrador retrievers, making proper care in puppyhood particularly important for these breeds' well-being.

While dental chews and specially formulated dog food can assist in promoting a puppy's dental health, they're not substitutes for once-a-day tooth brushing. The good news is that brushing your dog's teeth doesn't have to be daunting or difficult. Start by first accustoming your puppy to having your fingers in their mouth. Gently stroke their gums, rub your finger on their teeth, and reward them for each positive interaction. Once your puppy seems comfortable, squirt some dog-friendly toothpaste on your finger and attempt to rub it on their gums and teeth. There are many dog-friendly toothpastes in different flavors (yes, even bacon), though these products aren't strictly necessary. The physical act of brushing away debris and plaque is the most critical part of maintaining your puppy's teeth. After your puppy has gotten acclimated to having their mouth touched and the toothpaste, bring the toothbrush into play and gradually start to brush their teeth in small increments, building up to 30 seconds for each row of teeth (a minute total).

Establishing a daily tooth-brushing routine yields many benefits. By introducing dental care at a young age, your puppy will be more tolerant of this task as an adult. Promoting their dental hygiene can also prevent tooth breakage, tooth loss, and bad breath resulting from tooth decay. There are virtually no downsides to maintaining your puppy's oral health.

Introducing puppies to other dogs too quickly

You're bringing home a new puppy, and you're confident that your older dog will be thrilled. Yet, upon introducing the two, the older canine sulks, puts their tail between their legs, and even growls at the curious pup. Why is this happening? The fact is, introducing new dogs takes time, even if both have good temperaments. How would you feel if you came home one day to a new, permanent roommate?

Initial elder dog-puppy interactions lay the foundation of their relationship, so it's important to ensure things get off on the right foot (or paw, rather). The last thing you want is to overwhelm your elder dog with stressful introductions, as they could learn to associate the puppy with negative situations. During the first moments with your elder dog and new puppy, keep meetings brief. While the canines interact, monitor both for signs of stress, such as raised hackles, stiff bodies, and exposed teeth. Your dogs' behavior will let you know when to increase the lengths of these encounters. If your elder dog initiates play, great! If not, continue to keep an eye on their exchanges to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Don't be alarmed if your elder dog growls at the puppy; this form of communication sets boundaries, letting them know, "Hey, that's not okay." Note that not all dogs will become best friends — some canines live in the same household for years and never form close bonds but are still comfortable coexisting.

Equating crate training with cruelty

Is it cruel to keep your puppy in a crate most of the day? Absolutely. The ASPCA notes that you should only crate a puppy for one hour per every month they've lived. So, you wouldn't crate a 3-month-old Italian greyhound for more than three hours at a time. But is it cruel to use crates as a training tool? According to Dr. Dwight Alleyne, a veterinary consultant for BetterPet, crate training is not cruel when properly implemented. "Crates can be necessary to train a dog how to handle being separated from their owner, and to learn housebreaking techniques," Alleyne shared with Rover.

When used appropriately, the crate is not a prison. When lined with toys, pillows, and blankets, it's a safe place that a puppy can truly call their own. Imagine that you're going to work, and you're worried about your puppy eating something while you're away. In this situation, you could use crate training to keep them in a confined space where they can't get hurt. In another scenario, suppose that your puppy is afraid of fireworks. Their crate could offer a secure place where they can hide from the sound.

Crate training is a step-by-step process that begins with first allowing your puppy to interact with the crate in a neutral setting. Let them smell it, venture inside (without the door closing behind them), and nibble at the metal bars. Place them within along with their favorite items and leave them there for short periods, increasing the length over time. With patience and positive exposure, your puppy will learn to think of their crate as a second home.
