Here's How Much Money You'll Spend On A Pet Guinea Pig Every Month

Guinea pigs make great pets for kids and adults alike. They are playful, adorable, and have accessible and manageable needs when it comes to space, equipment, and diet. But how much money does it actually take to provide proper care for your guinea pig?

Of course, there's the one-time cost of purchasing the animal. Pet stores usually charge around $50 for a guinea pig. This can depend on the breed, and if you go to a breeder rather than a pet store, you could pay upward of $100. Kimie Smothermon, the director of the Guinea Pig Sanctuary in Salisbury, Massachusetts, told Chewy, "Reputable breeders tend to charge more due to the familial lineage. They sell guinea pigs from $100 to $1,000, but it depends on the breed and the coloring." Chances are that unless you are getting into competitions — yes, there are show guinea pigs — you don't have to spend four figures on a guinea pig. Even if you did, guinea pigs still don't rank among the most expensive types of pets you can buy

But there are other costs involved in guinea pig care too. Cages, toys, grooming equipment, and recurring things like food, bedding, vet visits, and more all add up. The total cost of bringing home a guinea pig lands between $735 and $990. Annually, between food, vet care, supplies, and cleaning equipment, you can expect to spend $2,060–$5,400, or between about $172 and $450 a month.

The guinea pig caveat

Now, there is one huge caveat when considering the cost of keeping a pet guinea pig, and that's the fact that they are very social animals that require daily interaction and are often much happier in pairs. If you are hoping to bring a guinea pig home, you should ideally plan to bring two guinea pigs home, especially if you are someone who works long hours or will be out of the home for several hours at a time. If you do bring home two, you might want to get creative and check out these names for your guinea pig.

Obviously, having two is going to increase the cost a bit, but it probably won't exactly double it. Two guinea pigs can share the same cage. However, that's double the food and vet bills, so keep that in mind. Another absolute must is getting two guinea pigs of the same sex. You should learn how to tell a male from a female guinea pig. You do not want the possibility of your pets breeding with each other — that would get way more expensive!

Guinea pig care

Since you now have an idea of the overall cost of keeping a guinea pig (or two!), let's get into the details. One or two guinea pigs should be kept in a 10.5-square-foot cage. The ideal cage is wire with a metal or plastic bottom and should be layered with bedding. Aspen, kiln-dried pine shavings, hay, or straw are all fine options, just make sure it's made specifically for guinea pigs. Inside the cage, they should have a small shelter they can retreat to when tired or nervous.

Your guinea pig's cage should include access to a bottle of fresh water at all times, as well as unlimited green grass hay. They need approximately a quarter to a half of a cup of feed pellets per guinea pig each day as well as a vitamin C supplement daily. As occasional treats, they can be fed fruits and vegetables like romaine lettuce, carrots, spinach, grapes, and apples.

Your pet guinea pigs should be kept in a room that's between 65 and 79 degrees, and their cage should be in a place with lots of human traffic and opportunities for interaction. Their grooming also needs to be kept up. They should be brushed regularly, especially if they have long hair, and you'll need to trim their nails every so often. As stated above, guinea pigs crave attention and socialization. Take them out and play with them (gently, of course!) as much as possible. They are affectionate and playful pets who deserve lots of love!
