The Simple Rubber Glove Hack That Removes Pet Hair With Ease

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It probably goes without saying, but pet hair is just one of the many messes that comes with having furry friends. However, if you've been trying to create a pet-friendly cleaning routine, you may be wondering how to tackle pet hair most effectively. Luckily, there isn't anything special you need to purchase to help remove pet hair from fabric and other surfaces. All you need is a pair of rubber kitchen gloves.

To try the hack at home, grab a pair of rubber gloves normally used for washing dishes. Gently dampening the gloves before use can help pick up hair more easily. Then, rub the gloves over the surface you wish to remove the hair from. The hair will ball neatly in a single clump or stick to the gloves, removing it from your surface.

From there, you can toss the hair into the garbage and rinse any remaining hair off in the sink. Repeat the process if needed to grab any remaining loose hair. This hack works best on fabric surfaces such as small area rugs, furniture, car interiors, or clothing. For larger or non-fabric surfaces, you may want to try out some different pet hair control options.

Why rubber gloves work so well for pet hair (and how to make the hack even better)

The kitchen glove hack is a great trick for picking up pet hair, but how does it work? It's all in the sticky rubber material of the gloves. When two objects rub together, the action creates positive and negative charges that attract the two surfaces to each other. The gloves, when rubbed against surfaces, create static electricity, which attracts the loose pet hair to them. Pet hair then attaches to the gloves, making it easier to remove.

You can do a few more things once you've finished cleaning your surface with the rubber glove hack, too. A drain catcher, like Lasshswa's Kitchen Sink Drain Strainer, can help catch any excess pet hair when you rinse off your gloves. After you've removed the hair, applying a fabric softener spray to the surface can help prevent hair from sticking again. In addition, dryer sheets are a good secret to controlling excess fur around the house; they can grab onto pet hair on our clothes before they reach surfaces such as couches and rugs, and some people even use dryer sheets directly on their fabric surfaces. When dryer sheets and rubber gloves are used in tandem, they can help make sure your fabric surfaces stay free of pet hair as much as possible.

Now, if you need even more help, read here for a comprehensive guide on how to remove dog hair from everything when your pup is shedding.
