Why You Should Be Cautious Around Loose Dogs With Red Collars

Colors can break down language barriers and convey ideas and themes regardless of cultural and geographical differences. Green captures the beauty of nature, while purple has historically conveyed opulence due to its natural scarcity, making it popular among royalty. However, red is the most widely used color in global signage to express warning or caution.

Similar to the color usage in signs, a red collar, leash, or bandana could indicate that the owner wants you to proceed cautiously. Notably, red could suggest that a dog is aggressive or reactive, and is unsafe to approach. This should be kept in mind regardless of if the dog is on or off-leash. If you spot a dog sporting a red collar or leash, it's best to give them some extra space.

In other cases, service dogs have a history of sometimes using red to indicate that others should not disturb them, though these working canines usually wear vests indicating their role. However, not all dogs with red collars will be aggressive; in some cases, owners simply like the color. The best practice is to go with the universal meaning of red: Approach carefully and with consideration for personal safety and the dog's needs.

Don't approach loose dogs with red collars

If you see a dog wearing a red collar or bandana, avoid contact unless the owner says it's safe. This recommendation aligns with proper etiquette when approaching a dog, but asking is essential because of additional safety concerns that can come with a red collar.

If a dog with a red collar is spotted off-leash, it is safest to assume they may be reactive or aggressive and approach accordingly. Keep your distance, avoid eye contact, and remain calm as you slowly remove yourself from the situation. Running or trying to approach can have an adverse effect by exciting an aggressive dog.

Understanding how to read dog body language can help to properly assess a situation when coming across an unknown canine. Still, even a wagging tail can be deceptive when approaching an off-leash dog. The situation can change if they feel their personal space is being invaded. You should call animal services if you find an off-leash dog with a red collar and their owner is not nearby. They are trained for these situations and can help ensure the safety of others.
