What Happens When Cats Eat Broccoli (And Is It Safe?)

Sharing food with your cat can be a cute bonding experience that's worthy of posting to TikTok, but a cat's dietary needs should be considered before you cook them up a plate of vegetables, like broccoli, as a dinner for two. Carnivorous diets are optimal for felines because of their protein needs, so a vegan diet is not healthy for cats, nor is one with too many vegetables.

Can cats eat broccoli? Broccoli is not toxic to cats, but it is recommended to share in small amounts for many reasons. Broccoli may be healthy for humans because it is low calorie with fiber and healthy fats. However, as mentioned above, cats are carnivores, not omnivores, so these benefits are not as necessary and too much can lead to gastrointestinal issues like gas and general discomfort.

Another consideration involves the size of a cat's mouth and the way that they eat. Cats do not typically chew their food as thoroughly, since their teeth are designed for hunting and tearing through flesh. Due to this, feeding a cat broccoli can be a choking hazard especially if the piece is too big. Luckily, you can still offer a nibble or two of broccoli if your cat is interested, and you take some time to prep it.

How to feed a cat broccoli safely

Even though cats prefer higher-protein diets for their daily needs, offering a little broccoli does have some benefits if shared correctly. For instance, feeding a cat a small amount of broccoli can help maintain their weight. The high fiber and lower calorie content can help combat obesity when given as a treat. Broccoli also has more protein than some other vegetables that can be fed to cats — though it shouldn't replace their regular diet.

There are a few things to consider regarding the preparation of broccoli for a cat as a meal or snack. Cooked broccoli is generally safer than raw broccoli because it is easier for them to digest. In addition, cutting it into small pieces of about half an inch also prevents cats from choking. It's best to keep broccoli as only a treat, though. Be sure not to feed your cat broccoli more than twice a week, to avoid filling them up too much in place of their regular diet. While most cats will ignore it, some curious cats may end up enjoying broccoli. You can rest assured they'll be okay enjoying a bite or two at the table alongside you.
