Can You Keep Seahorses As Pets In Your Home Aquarium?

You may have seen seahorses while out at an aquarium, but did you know that they can be kept as pets at home as well? It may not seem so because seahorses are often known to be harder to keep fish. However, they can be kept in home aquariums with some preparation and care. 

Seahorses were only bred in captivity relatively recently. Initially, wild seahorses were caught and placed in aquariums, but many died shortly after due to stress and starvation from refusing to eat. Luckily, seahorses were finally successfully bred in captivity, helping to create a population that was more at home in home aquariums, readily accepted hand-feeding, and was less stressed out by transport.

Before you care for a seahorse at home, you should have the right setup to ensure they stay happy and healthy. To add seahorses to an aquarium, the tank should be at least 18 inches tall to allow them to happily move around. A wide tank is also a good idea, as seahorses prefer to move side to side as well. The size and number of seahorses also impact the size of the tank — so go larger if you are keeping multiple. You can even go extra big by making a DIY 300-gallon tank at home for the ultimate experience. It's also good to make sure the tank has plenty of good bacteria to support a healthy ecosystem.

Friendship and feeding of your seahorse

Seahorses may seem exotic and need a lot of care, but they can be easy if you know what to do. Seahorses are rather social creatures, so having at least a pair helps maximize happiness for your beloved water pets. It's important that the pair is the same gender, otherwise, you may find yourself with several (thousand) more seahorses in the near future! You might also want to keep these delicate creatures away from other carnivorous aquarium fish that may think they're a tasty snack.

Regarding their diet, seahorses are carnivorous, so should eat a variety of foods. You can offer Mysis shrimp, though it is best to avoid frozen shrimp and look for fresh. Other than Mysis shrimp, any small crustaceans are suitable for a seahorse's diet. Captive-bred seahorses are also very friendly when it comes to feeding time. They enjoy being hand-fed for more interaction than some other fish. Their food can be left in the aquarium, but any uneaten portions should be removed to keep the aquarium clean. 

Owning a seahorse can be a fun, and interactive, experience. It's best to ensure you have a properly set up tank and know the basics of caring for them before bringing one home. Once you're ready to go, you can have some fun watching these adorable creatures swim around.
