Never Skip These Crucial Steps When Leash Training A Cat

Who says only dogs can enjoy a stroll around the neighborhood at their owner's side? Cats can be trained to be walked on a leash, just like their canine counterparts. The best time to leash train a cat is around 8 weeks of age, or as soon as they're big enough to fit into a harness. However, older cats can learn to walk on a leash, too, with a little more patience from their humans. You can increase the odds of successful leash training by getting them comfortable with a harness, walking them indoors first, starting with brief outdoor walks, and limiting their walks to places where they feel safe.

Although many cat owners have found success using these steps, there's no guarantee that every cat will cooperate, even after months of training. The training period may also vary from cat to cat; some cats warm up to the harness and leash within a few days or weeks while others take much longer. Some cats don't mind wearing a harness, but refuse to be walked with a leash. You won't know how your cat will react unless you try, but these crucial steps can help streamline the training process for you both.

Start with harness training

Many cats can squeeze into or out of small spaces, due to their flexible shoulder blades, so you'll need to use a harness for leash training. This will lower or even eliminate the risk of them slipping out. Measure your cat or kitten to ensure you purchase the right size, but keep in mind that you may need to adjust it or buy a new one as they grow. Don't put your cat's harness on right away. Instead, leave it lying around for them to sniff. You may even want to place it near their bed to get their scent on it.

After your cat appears comfortable with the harness, place it over their body, buckle it, and adjust it as needed — if they let you. Some cats cooperate, but others wiggle around in protest. If your cat treats the harness like an invasion of their personal space and flops over on their side, remove it and try again later or another day. Reward them with praise and some crunchy cat treats while they're wearing the harness. They may also appreciate a few head or chin scratches to help with positive associations.

Once you see that your cat has approved of wearing the harness, leave it on them while they walk around the house. You may want to start out with just 10 minutes a day and then gradually increase the time. You may also want to wait a few weeks before introducing a leash to the harness, but again, every cat is different. Your cat could be ready sooner or later.

Leash train them indoors

Of course, you can't walk a pet without a leash, so this will be the next item to introduce to your cat. The initial introduction can take place after your cat is harness trained, but it won't hurt to leave the leash lying around during harness training. Opt for a short, standard, lightweight leash. Attach it to the harness and hold the other end ensuring there's no tension. Follow your cat as they walk around for a bit, and then drop the leash so that it will drag — but be sure to monitor them so it doesn't get tangled on any objects. This will allow them to get used to the feeling of minor tension. Just as with the harness, keep the leash attached for short periods of time at first as your cat adjusts.

When your cat starts walking around freely while dragging the leash, take hold of the leash and gently pull on it to lead them in a specific direction. Continue using positive reinforcement during this step, encouraging them to walk and rewarding them for cooperating. Repeat these steps for a few days, if not longer, until your cat allows you to walk them as you apply tension and guide them.

Lead them in brief outdoor walking sessions

If your cat has lived their entire life indoors, they will likely be a bit skittish to be outdoors for the first time, so be patient. On the other hand, even a cat with outdoor experience may be hesitant to be outside while harnessed and attached to a leash. Place the harness and leash on them indoors. Depending on your cat's outdoor experience, behavior, and curiosity level, you can either carry or walk them outside. You can also opt to place them in their carrier and open it outside with the hopes they'll want to explore on their own. Use treats to lure them so they'll associate the outdoors with something pleasant.

A great place to leash train a cat outside is in a fenced-in yard, ideally on a warm, dry day. Allow them a few minutes to first get comfortable with their surroundings, especially if they've never been outside before. Then, take the leash and start walking them around the yard. Aim for just a few minutes the first time, unless they seem comfortable with a longer walking session. Repeat these brief walking sessions in an enclosed area for a few days, or however long it takes for them to appear confident and secure.

Walk them where they feel safe

When your cat is ready to take their leash walking to the next level, you can exit the backyard. Head for the sidewalks in your neighborhood, as long as they're not near a busy road. Start by walking a few hundred feet from your home, ideally at a time of day that isn't too busy. Be mindful of things that may frighten your cat, such as dogs or trains, and be prepared for potentially negative behavior in response to these stimuli.

If your neighborhood sidewalks pose too many distractions to your cat, consider taking your cat to a more peaceful park or wooded path. Some cats adapt well to their surroundings, even if they include vehicles, other people, dogs, and loud sounds. Your cat might adapt to a similar atmosphere, too, but it might take a while for them to get there.

Sometimes, regardless of where you walk your cat and how much effort you put into training them, some cats never find comfort with being walked on a leash. They might be comfortable one day and have a terrible experience the next that prevents them from ever wanting to venture out again. If you find yourself in this position, but you still want your companion to enjoy some fresh air with you, you may have better luck stroller training your cat. A little time, patience, and lots of positive love can help ensure your cat has a good experience.
