Symptoms Of Chocolate Toxicity In Dogs You Shouldn't Ignore
If dogs understood every word their humans spoke, they would know to stay away from chocolate. Then again, they would probably disregard the warning and eat it anyway. Dogs shouldn't eat chocolate because it contains an alkaloid called theobromine that can be dangerous if ingested, making it one of the most common foods dogs can't eat. Some common chocolate toxicity symptoms in dogs include vomiting, diarrhea, excessive urination and thirst, a rapid heart rate, and panting. In more severe cases, seizures can follow.
All chocolate contains theobromine, but some types contain more than others. Baking chocolate, dark chocolate, and cocoa are among the types with the highest amounts of the bitter alkaloid. Chocolate poisoning in dogs tops the list of most common toxicity cases, but the good news is, it's rarely fatal. Most dogs just require veterinary treatment or close at-home monitoring.
In general, darker chocolates pose a greater threat for dogs than lighter ones, like milk chocolate, and the danger risk increases as the theobromine amount increases. You should still avoid allowing your pup to eat any type of chocolate in any amount though, and if they happen to ingest some accidentally, don't ignore these toxicity symptoms.
Your dog may experience vomiting after consuming chocolate
Theobromine acts as a mild stimulant in the body. Humans can easily and quickly metabolize it, so they can safely enjoy a couple slices of dark chocolate cake in one sitting without getting sick. Dogs, on the other hand, metabolize this stimulant at a significantly slower rate, causing it to accumulate in their gastrointestinal system. They might respond to this buildup by vomiting.
Nobody wants to see their dog retch and upchuck their last meal because it often means they ate something they shouldn't have. However, vomiting after chocolate ingestion is actually a symptom you want to happen, since it helps rid your dog's body of the toxin. Vomiting typically occurs within two to 12 hours after ingestion. Just be sure to clean it up immediately since many dogs re-ingest their vomit, and give your vet a call. If you catch your dog eating chocolate and bring them to the vet for emergency care, the vet will likely induce vomiting. They might also give your dog activated charcoal, a product used to prevent the body from absorbing toxins.
Diarrhea can befall your dog, too
Remember, when theobromine builds up in a dog's system, the body might respond by vomiting, but diarrhea is another possibility. Some dogs develop diarrhea, with or without vomiting. If the latter is the case for your dog, you may not even be aware that they're having a problem with their stool. They may alert you to their need to go outside, as usual, and you'll likely let them out into the backyard, as usual, without giving it a second thought.
If you suspect that your dog helped himself or herself to a piece of chocolate in your home, it's important to look out for toxicity symptoms. Dogs are more likely to vomit indoors than have a bowel movement indoors, so when you let your dog out to handle their business, go out with them. It won't be pleasant, but take a look at their stool to determine if it's soft or watery, which are tell-tale signs of diarrhea.
Another way to determine if your dog has diarrhea before seeing the stool is with frequent potty breaks. Dogs typically have to relieve themselves every several hours, assuming they ingested a normal amount of food and water beforehand. If you notice your pup nudging you to let them out far more frequently than that, it could be an indicator that something is wrong.
Your dog could have excessive urination and thirst
Theobromine is the primary culprit involved in chocolate poisoning, but it's not the only dangerous component in this sweet treat. Most chocolate also contains caffeine. Together, both of these ingredients create a diuretic effect in a dog's body, which means they cause the kidneys to generate more urine than usual.
Healthy adult dogs normally urinate three to five times per day, on average, while a dog experiencing chocolate poisoning might go twice as often. They might even be more likely to have an accident in the home because of the increased frequency, so be mindful of these possibilities if you have chocolate in your home within your dog's reach. Since urinating frequently results in fluid loss, your dog could become more thirsty as a result of the diuretic effect. If you notice them making repeated visits to their drinking bowl in a short period of time, or you notice it empty much sooner than usual, this could be a sign of chocolate toxicity.
Rapid heart rate and panting may come with a dog consuming chocolate
An additional side effect associated with the diuretic effect of theobromine (and caffeine) that your dog may experience after snacking on chocolate is an accelerated heart rate. If you enjoy a cup of caffeinated Joe or black tea every morning, you already know what it does to a human body. After all, they don't call coffee a "pick-me-up" for nothing. These alkaloids have the same effect on a dog's body; they stimulate the heart, causing it to beat faster.
Of course, you can't see your dog's heart beating, but panting is a good indicator that there's an increase. When a dog's heart rate accelerates, their body temperature rises, just as it does for humans. Dogs pant to cool their bodies down, so unless your home temperature is over 81 degrees, and there are no new exciting stimuli nearby, your dog's accelerated heart rate and panting could be signs of chocolate poisoning.
Sadly, seizures may also result from a dog consuming chocolate
Vomiting, diarrhea, and diuretic effects are considered mild clinical signs of chocolate poisoning. However, if a dog were to consume a large amount of chocolate/theobromine relative to their size, they could have a seizure. How much is a "large amount"? A dose greater than or equal to 60 mg/kg, or 2.2 pounds of body weight. A regular-sized bar of dark chocolate can have up to 1,000 mg of theobromine in it. This means that smaller dogs are more at risk for toxicity symptoms than larger ones.
If your dog has a seizure, you'll notice several changes in their body. If it's a generalized seizure, the most common type, you'll see a series of involuntary movements. They may first stiffen up before falling over to their side. Then, they may lose consciousness and begin kicking or paddling their legs, foaming at the mouth, and urinating. Watching a dog have a seizure can obviously be a scary time, but it's important to stay calm and keep your pet safe, since they'll be completely unaware of their surroundings. Some generalized seizures end after only a few seconds, but others can last several minutes. Chocolate toxicity can be serious for dogs, so, if you see any of the above symptoms, seeking veterinary care is best — and keep those candy bars out of reach.
If you believe your pet has consumed a toxic substance and you can't reach your veterinarian or an emergency clinic, please contact the ASPCA 24/7 Poison Control Hotline at 888-426-4435 or the Pet Poison Helpline at 855-764-7661.