"Star Wars" But With Cats In Epic "Empire Scratches Back" Remake

More than 37 years after ​The Empire Strikes Back​ blasted into movie theaters, it remains one of the most memorable scenes in all of moviedom: Darth Vader revealing — MASSIVE SPOILERS JUST IN CASE YOU'VE BEEN FROZEN IN CARBONITE FOR THE LAST FOUR DECADES — that he is Luke's father.

What was mind-blowing then, remains, as the expression of this young Padawan watching it for the first time makes clear, mind-blowing now.

What was mind-blowing then, remains, as the expression of this young Padawan watching it for the first time makes clear, mind-blowing now.

So it's no surprise that today's keyboard creatives continue to spoof the clip for all the LOLs. Case in point: YouTuber Pasdidée, who has recast the fifth episode of the space opera with furry felines, juxtaposing the original video with home-shot footage synched below.

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While the latter might lack the technical rigor or production values of the source material, it's a faithful homage nonetheless.

Here's Luke inching off the catwalk (YUP, WE WENT THERE) above Cloud City's central air shaft while his counterpart, a Force-sensitive Jedi cat, retreats to the safety of its cat tower.

Here's Luke inching off the catwalk (YUP, WE WENT THERE) above Cloud City's central air shaft while his counterpart, a Force-sensitive Jedi cat, retreats to the safety of its cat tower.

And this is our villain sharing his plans for galactic rule. Cats can't really clench their paws but that doesn't mean they aren't any less willing to Force choke you into feeding them.

And this is our villain sharing his plans for galactic rule. Cats can't really clench their paws but that doesn't mean they aren't any less willing to Force choke you into feeding them.

What really sells the video is the final shot. So many emotions, so many feels, so many NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOs.

What really sells the video is the final shot. So many emotions, so many feels, so many NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOs.

One thing happily left on the floor of the editor's cutting room: paws sliced off by lightsabers!

RELATED: 15 Times Director James Gunn Had No Chill On Caturday

Watch the whole thing right meow:

Watch the whole thing right meow:
