These 24 Plump Puppies Prove All The Good Things In Life Are Chubby

Puppies may be cuter than unicorns, cupcakes, and waterfalls combined. And the only thing better than a puppy — aside from two puppies — is a chubby puppy.

Here at Cuteness, we love their fat rolls, furry curves, and tickley round puppy bellies. Seriously, these rolly pollies are more than any of us deserve.

Keep calm and puppy on!

1 He's not fat — he's just a little husky.

2. Wiggles are just fat laughing!

2. Wiggles are just fat laughing!

3. Those abs, though.

3. Those abs, though.

4. "I want a hot bod, but I also want hot tacos."

4. "I want a hot bod, but I also want hot tacos."

5. Pups are like country roads... the best ones have curves.

5. Pups are like country roads... the best ones have curves.

6. This pup is not fat; she's fluffy.

6. This pup is not fat; she's fluffy.

7. Rubenesque AF...

7. Rubenesque AF...

8. Keep calm and hug them curves.

8. Keep calm and hug them curves.

9. Can we get gravy with this potato?

9. Can we get gravy with this potato?

10. "U even work out, bruh?"

10. "U even work out, bruh?"

11. Beauty runs in the family.

11. Beauty runs in the family.

12. It's hard work being so cute.

12. It's hard work being so cute.

13. "I'm chubby; let's party!"

13. "I'm chubby; let's party!"

14. 99 problems, but curves ain't one.

14. 99 problems, but curves ain't one.

15. A matching set of chubby fluffs.

15. A matching set of chubby fluffs.

16. Exercise? I thought you said extra fries.

16. Exercise? I thought you said extra fries.

17. A shovel full of curves.

17. A shovel full of curves.

18. Welcome to round town!

18. Welcome to round town!

19. I workout everyday. Just look at my muscles!

19. I workout everyday. Just look at my muscles!

20. Num Num Num Num Num

20. Num Num Num Num Num

21. I'm not out of shape. Round is my shape.

21. I'm not out of shape. Round is my shape.

22. Never miss leg day, bro.

22. Never miss leg day, bro.

23. "That's okay; I didn't want to cuddle anyway."

23. "That's okay; I didn't want to cuddle anyway."

24. What if I never find out if I'm a puppy or a teddy bear?

24. What if I never find out if I'm a puppy or a teddy bear?

BONUS LOVE CHUNKS: We're not sure if this image is for real, but we love it all the same!

BONUS LOVE CHUNKS: We're not sure if this image is for real, but we love it all the same!

BONUS CHUBS: Baby platypus are also knows as puggles, but we call them platapups.

BONUS CHUBS: Baby platypus are also knows as puggles, but we call them platapups.
