How Do I Get Dried Poop Off My Puppy's Butt?
How, exactly, do I get this dried up poop stain off of my puppy's butt? It's a question no person has, most likely, ever expected to hear themselves say or think. But for puppy guardians, it's not a terribly uncommon thing to wonder. Removing dried poop from a dog's butt is certainly not anyone's idea of a good time, but doing so as quickly as possible will not only result in a clean dog and home, it may prevent completely avoidable medical issues.
Dogs prone to messes
Dogs prone to messes
While a rear end covered in poop can certainly happen to any canine regardless of breed, age, size, and health, there are some dogs who may be more prone to messes back there. Dogs who naturally have long or thick hair are one of these types of dogs, as fecal matter can easily become matted up in anything longer than short fur. A sick puppy may also be faced with more messes than a healthy dog, especially if your pup has come down with a condition like giardia or parvo, both of which often result in diarrhea, says VCA Hospitals.
Puppies may also be prone to sticky butts covered in poop for a couple of reasons. First, depending on your puppy's age, she may not be eating the most solid of food, which can certainly lend to loose or wet stool that is easily smeared across one's backside. Second, puppies have little if any control over their bladders and bowels and some may take several months to get the hang of pooping in appropriate places, which can lead to accidents everywhere.
How to remove dried poop
How to remove dried poop
Removing dried poop from your puppy's bottom is not much different than removing dried mud or other spills from his fur. If you can get the mess immediately you'll have the best shot at a clean recovery with little discomfort to your dog. Start by using a damp towel or paper towel to remove any large pieces of fecal matter from your puppy's butt and be sure to hit any areas where messes may have scattered, like down the legs or even under the belly. You may also use baby wipes or wipes formulated for cleaning pets, which are available at most pet, grocery, and drug stores.
If your dog's dried feces is not wiping away with a towel, give him a bath using warm water and pet shampoo, taking extra care to gently wash away the dried poop. If you notice that your dog's hair has become matted up around his anus or if it is covering his anus entirely, it's best to consult a medical professional to remove the mat, as doing so quickly or without proper care can result in intense pain for your dog. When you're done bathing or wiping your dog, dry him and his butt thoroughly, and be sure to brush long or thick fur regularly.
Reducing poopy butts
Reducing poopy butts
Want less poppy butts to deal with in the future? Who would say no to this question! To reduce the risk of more messes and the discomfort that comes with it, good hygiene is key — this means regular bathing, cleaning after messy bowel movements, and offering regular hair trims for long-haired dogs. According to Petful, not clipping thick or long hair around the anus of some dogs can lead to a condition called pseudocoprostasis, which can cause bad odors, fecal stains, or may possibly prevent your dog from passing a bowel movement if the mat is too thick. Finally, if you see that your dog is dragging her butt across the carpet, is licking her anus compulsively, or tends to strain or wince while pooping, consult your veterinarian to have her anal glands examined and expressed, if necessary.