Gas Relief Home Remedy For Dogs

All dogs experience occasional gas and bloat, so it's not always something to worry about. If you notice more frequent farting accompanied by bloody stool or diarrhea, contact your veterinarian. They can look for the cause and prescribe medication to treat the problem or suggest a change in diet.

Gas and bloating can be caused by eating something they can't digest or taking in too much air. These symptoms can also be a sign of an underlying condition. A home remedy may help alleviate the symptoms and provide relief for your pet's pain.

Gassy dog breeds and causes

Gassy dog breeds and causes

Some canine breeds are more prone to flatulence than others. Dogs with smaller airways tend to take in more air while eating, leading to excessive gas. Gassy dog breeds include Boston terriers, Lhasa apsos, Shih Tzus, and pugs, who are short-nosed and swallow air that leads to burping and farting. Dogs that eat too quickly also have this issue.

What's in your dog's bowl may also be the cause of her flatulence. Food allergies can cause your dog digestive upset, and your vet can help you narrow down what might be leading to her discomfort and bloating. Your veterinarian can also check for illnesses including canine colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, parasites, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, and pancreatitis.

Gastric dilatation and volvulus is another condition that can cause bloating and gas in dogs, and it is a medical emergency. Also, if you switch your dog's diet, do so gradually, mixing the new food with the old to make the transition slower and more gentle on her stomach.

Foods that cause dog gas

Foods that cause dog gas

As much as you might want to give in and share your table scraps with your dog every time he gives you his saddest puppy dog eyes, it's not a good idea to share food from your plate with him. Gas can occur if he eats something he has difficulty digesting, including peas, beans, milk products, and spicy foods.

Also, be sure to keep toxic items out of your dog's reach. Initial gastrointestinal distress can be a sign that he has consumed something he shouldn't have consumed. If your dog is having new stomach problems and you think he may have eaten something poisonous, contact the pet poison control hotline.

Home remedies for gas in dogs

Home remedies for gas in dogs

Probiotics can provide relief for gas pain in dogs. These can be consumed through a small daily serving of plain yogurt or a dog-safe probiotic supplement approved by your dog's veterinarian. This can come in powdered form, in capsules, in chews, or as an ingredient in your dog's kibble or wet food. If you are giving her yogurt, feed her sparingly and watch how she handles it since dairy itself can upset a dog's stomach.

To reduce bloating and gassiness, feeding your dog smaller meals more frequently throughout the day can help. Keep her bowls on the floor rather than using elevated ones. Avoid taking her out for a walk immediately after eating since this can lead to gas. Some over-the-counter gas relief medications may be safe for your pet but consult your veterinarian before administering.

Some household herbs and products can work as a dog gas relief home remedy. Sprinkle 1 or 2 tablespoons of fresh parsley or fennel onto your dog's meal to help aid digestion. While small amounts of sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, can help with dog gas and bloating in small amounts, use extreme caution giving it to your dog since it can be toxic if she is given too much. Ask your veterinarian before trying something new for your dog and monitor your pet closely afterward to see her reaction.
