Mebendazole For Dogs

Mebendazole is an effective medication used in treating various types of parasitic worms in dogs, however, it does hold the possibility of quite a few side effects. You should always discuss medication with your veterinarian before giving it to your dog.

About Mebendazole

About Mebendazole

Mebendazole, also known as Telmintic, is a anthelmentic dewormer that is used to treat hookworms, roundworms (ascarid type), whipworms and one type of tapeworm (not effective in fighting flea tapeworms). This medication is FDA approved for use in dogs, but not cats and is available by prescription from a veterinarian.



Mebendazole has been shown to be useful in treating gastro-intestinal worms in both dogs and humans, however, it is not effective against most worm larvae, according to Statistics show that it has a 95% efficacy rate in muscular paralysis and death of the parasites, stated by

It may take a few days after treatment before the parasites are completely eliminated through the feces.



Mebendazole comes in a powder form and the recommended dosage, according to, is 9 to 11 mgs per pound of dog in the dog's food for at least three consecutive days.

The powder should be mixed with a small amount of food and given to the dog to eat first before he is given the remaining amount of food.

Puppies should be de-wormed starting at two weeks to three months of age, and then monthly. Adult dogs should be de-wormed every three months. There is not one single medication that can eradicate all types of intestinal parasites, and the medication used for de-worming is dependant on what type of worm the animal is infected with.

Side Effects

Side Effects

Mebendazole is not the recommended choice of de-worming medication for most veterinarians due to its side effects. Some of the side effects associated with the use of this medication include bloody diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice, loss of appetite, and depression.

The most severe side effect of this medication is liver toxicity. states that mebendazole has a low level of toxicity, however, it has caused necrosis of the liver in some dogs.



Dogs with any form of liver disease, or hypersensitivity to this drug, should not be given mebendazole. recommends that this medication not be given to dogs that are pregnant or nursing.

There are no drug interaction warnings with this medication.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet's diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet's opinion.
