Sounds That Annoy Cats
Does your cat dive under the bed when there's a knock at the door or a clap of thunder on a rainy day? She's not alone because loud, sudden, and high-pitched sounds tend to annoy and scare cats. Cats have excellent hearing bolstered by their satellite-like ears that can hone in on sounds that even human ears can't hear. To maintain a calm home environment free from stress-inducing sounds that annoy cats, take steps to create quiet spots within your home to which your cat can escape on noisy days.
Loud sounds that annoy cats
Loud sounds that annoy cats
Loud sounds are the hallmarks of scary movies, so it makes sense that these sounds are also noises that annoy cats. Fireworks, the buzz of a loud motorcycle, vacuums, doorbells, thunder claps, barking dogs, lawn mowers, and leaf blowers can all potentially annoy your cat. The reason that these sounds cause your cat to run under the bed or the couch is that your cat isn't used to them.
If your cat was raised in a relatively quiet household as a kitten where loud sounds were uncommon, then these sounds become scary when he grows older. Your cat may also associate some of these sounds with unpleasant things. For example, a knock at the door or the ring of a doorbell quickly become associated with the arrival of a stranger.
Sound frequency that cats hate
Sound frequency that cats hate
Cats have excellent hearing and can hear a variety of sounds that human ears and even dog ears can't. While humans hear sounds up to 20,000 Hz, cats can hear sounds up to 64,000 Hz. Over time, these high-pitched sounds can cause everything from annoyance and fear to making them susceptible to seizures and heart problems.
Because we can't hear these sounds, it can be hard to determine if anything in your house is emitting them to annoy your cat. Many times, though, these sounds are caused by electronic devices and things like fluorescent or LED light bulbs. Try to unplug these devices when not in use and create a quiet room for your cat that is away from electronics.
Is there a sound that cats hate?
Is there a sound that cats hate?
Besides loud sounds and high-frequency sounds, sounds that are similar to a hissing or growling cat are detested by cats. That's because cats hiss when they are anxious, afraid, in pain, or sick. When they growl or hiss at another animal, they are telling that animal to back off. So, if your cat hears this sound from you or from something in your home, it will instantly put her on high alert.
Music and cats
Music and cats
One way to calm your cat in stressfully noisy situations is to play some soft classical music. Gentle pop music may also please your feline's musical tastes. You'll definitely want to avoid playing loud rock and heavy metal music. This type of music will not only annoy your cat but can make him fearful too.
If you or someone in your home loves loud rock or heavy metal music, ensure that person can enjoy it by wearing headphones. This way, your feline friend won't be annoyed by the music that is unpleasant for her.
Calming your cat from noise
Calming your cat from noise
For fearful or skittish cats, create a noise-free safe space when you pull out the vacuum or get ready for a home renovation project. A guest room with a door that you can close to muffle the sounds is the perfect spot for this. You'll also want to provide lots of cat condos and cat shelves to which your feline friend can escape.
You can also desensitize your cat to loud sounds. Play a recording of the sound at a low volume and reward your cat with tasty treats if she doesn't seem stressed. Continue to increase the volume and treat your cat until she shows no stressful reactions to the sounds.