How To Trim My Dog's Eyelashes

Can you trim your dog's unruly eyelashes at home? If your dog has normal-length eyelashes, the answer is probably no. If your pup's lashes are noticeably long or if they are causing vision or other eye problems, then you can trim your dog's eyelashes. It may be best to have them professionally trimmed by a groomer or vet, however.

Dog breeds with eyelashes

Dog breeds with eyelashes

All dogs have eyelashes, but certain breeds have noticeable eyelashes that grow quickly and should probably be trimmed. Goldendoodles are one such breed. You may also see long eyelashes on Old English sheepdogs, Yorkshire terriers, Lhasa apsos, Shih Tzus, poodles, cocker spaniels, and Malteses. Long-haired dogs may have long eyelashes that help to keep their longer hair away from the eyes.

As far as goldendoodles are concerned, not all doodles have long eyelashes. Just like people, every dog is a unique individual, and some have long lashes, while others don't. Some need special grooming and trimming of the eyelash area, while others don't need as much attention paid to their eyelashes. Goldendoodles are a mix between a poodle and a golden retriever. Depending on which of the two breeds has dominant traits, your doodle may or may not have inherited or developed long eyelashes.

Long lashes and eye problems

Long lashes and eye problems

As cute as social media posts featuring pooches with long, flowing eyelashes might be, there can be eye problems associated with luxurious, long eyelashes on dogs. For instance, sometimes lashes turn inward and can irritate the dog's eye. This can interfere with not just sight but also normal eye function in general. Cocker spaniels in particular can develop a common eye problem called distichiasis, which is just a scientific way of saying that there is an extra row of long eyelashes that can grow inward and cause eye irritation in cockers.

Remember that eyelashes do serve a purpose in dogs and humans — to protect the eyes from dust, sand, flying insects, dirt, and debris. The eyelashes are always functioning to keep particles from entering the eyes. Dogs only have upper eyelashes, whereas humans have both upper and lower.

How to trim a dog's eyelashes

How to trim a dog's eyelashes

Canine eyelashes do grow back, sometimes very rapidly, so it is at times preferable to trim or cut a dog's eyelashes. Some dog parents can learn to trim a pup's eyelashes on their own, but if you are in doubt about your experience, always ask a groomer, veterinarian, or other dog professional to perform eyelash trimming on your canine pal.

Use grooming clippers and run them gently backward near the eyebrow or "points" area of the dog's brow area. You may even use a bikini razor, although that's probably not a good choice for someone who's not so experienced or confident nor if your dog is not a fan of having her eye area touched. You can also use blunt scissors and slowly trim starting from the outside corner of the eye and working inward toward the nose. If your dog is in any way uncomfortable with grooming or having attention paid to her head, as many are, get a professional to help you trim the dog's eyelashes.

Remember that some dogs don't have long eyelashes, and in those cases, there is no reason to trim their eyelashes.
