Yorkie Poo Haircuts: 3 Yorkiepoo Hairstyles & Grooming Info
Yorkie poos are a hybrid mix of two breeds: the Yorkshire terrier and poodle. Since Yorkie poo puppies are often born of unique shapes and sizes, different hairstyles have become the custom. Depending on the body type, facial structure, and coat hair type, you have choices when it comes to your Yorkie poo's grooming options. Genetics play a large role in Yorkie poo haircuts recommendations and it is best to allow your puppy to grow out for at least six months before you decide what Yorkie poo grooming styles best suit your hybrid dog.
Yorkie poo puppy cut
Yorkie poo puppy cut
Even if your Yorkie poo looks more poodle than Yorkie, the puppy cut is a popular style. The puppy cut simply leaves your dog with an even coat all over and is particularly adorable. Your dog's fur will be about one inch long all over, with the topknot and cap left at about an inch and a half long.
This type of hairstyle requires less brushing and there is little risk of matting. It's also easier to shampoo and quicker to bathe, so the puppy cut is very practical and good for active Yorkie poos who love to run through trails and woods. Your dog will also require fewer trims and best and ideal for warm weather.
Yorkie poo teddy bear cut
Yorkie poo teddy bear cut
The Yorkie poo teddy bear cut is much like the puppy cut, but longer. This style is not really a "clip" because clippers are not used; this style is achieved with scissors alone. Your Yorkie poo will have a coat that is about 2 inches long all over. This is a no-nonsense hair style that can be easily maintained at home. The teddy bear cut does demand regular brushing, and the area around the genitals and anal opening should be kept cut short to eliminate bathroom messes.
The Yorkie poo teddy bear cut, however, is very cute emphasizing a round head that makes the dogs look younger and puppy-like. Because the hair is essentially the same length, it's a reasonably easy cut to do but requires more frequent touch-ups.
Schnauzer cut for the Yorkie poo
Schnauzer cut for the Yorkie poo
If your Yorkie poo has the straight, thin hair more common to the Yorkie breed, the schnauzer cut works best. Your dog's back and sides are shaved with the skirt left long. The skirt is the hair from under the dog's neck to the tip of its tail. This includes the hair on the legs. The schnauzer cut leaves the length of the skirt up for personal choice. The cap and facial hair is left at 2 to 2 and a half inches, with the face trimmed a little closer with a distinct mustache.
Yorkie poo grooming styles
Yorkie poo grooming styles
The current season is also a consideration; many dog owners opt for a shorter cut in summer and a longer style for the winter months. Regardless of your dog's coat type or physical features, the short puppy cut, with a shaved belly, will help your dog regulate its body temperature in the heat of the summer. A longer puppy cut will require more grooming, but your Yorkie poo will appreciate the warmer coat on those bitter cold winter walks.
Yorkie poo grooming frequency
Yorkie poo grooming frequency
A defining characteristic of the Yorkshire terrier is fine silky hair and a Yorkie poo can inherit this coat in combination with poodle curls. Yorkshire terriers need to be groomed about once a month, and Yorkie poos are no different. Daily brushing is a good idea to avoid mats. More frequent trimming around the face and eyes is needed too, likely more than once a month.