Sanaphay Rattanavong

Photo of Sanaphay Rattanavong
Toronto, Ontario
Animal Intelligence, Critter Superpowers, Human-Animal Bonds
  • Sanaphay is proud to have written an article on both rural and city racoons based on researcher interviews.
  • He can parrot his cat's vocalizations with 99 percent accuracy.
  • In his hometown of Minneapolis, Minnesota, Sanaphay covered local arts and culture for several years, a passion recognized with awards such as the Walker Art Center Twin Cities BIPOC Artist Grant and the Artist's Initiative Grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board.


With a background in scientific communication, Sanaphay Rattanavong's work spans diverse publications, from feature articles exploring the intersections of art, business, culture, science, and technology to pieces examining the impact of emerging technologies on mental health. Currently based in Toronto, Ontario, he continues to explore the evolving landscape of animals, arts, culture, and technology. Sanaphay's extensive experience writing about animal cognition and behavior is driven by a deep curiosity about the complexities of animal perception and social dynamics. He brings a nuanced perspective to his work, combining a foundation in scientific research with an accessible, engaging writing style that brings the emotional intelligence of animals to life.


Sanaphay holds a B.A. from the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, where he studied Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Bennington College.

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Stories By Sanaphay Rattanavong