Just 15 Of The Funniest Hedgehog Pictures We've Ever Seen
We are literally deceasing here over the hilarity and adorableness of these hedgehog pics. Join us, why don't you in the LOLs?
1. This hedgehog is going to be the very best, like no one ever was.
Credit: aguseop/Instagram
2. "I think I can see Mars from here."
Credit: hairyhedgie/Instagram
3. "Draw me like one of your French girls."
Credit: chicneria17/Instagram
4. Don't let the haters hold you back.
5. "Today, I'm your coffee..."
Credit: jjenjen30/ Twitter
6. ...and your Big Gulp."
Credit: jjenjen30/Twitter
7. "Hey remember the final scene in The 'Breakfast Club' when Bender was all like..."
Credit: truselforganics/Instagram
Credit: ganmohedgehog/Instagram
9. No cocktail toothpicks, no problem.
Credit: Imgur
Credit: ma0308na/Instagram
13. "Wazzup"
Credit: taro_the_hedgie/Instagram
14. "You cuddle me. I cuddle raspberry. Everyone's happy."
Credit: Imgur
15. "That's right human, I can haz hedgehog too."
Credit: hedgehog_azuki/Instagram