Game Of Thrones Names: 112 Game Of Thrones Pet Names
112 Game of Thrones Pet Names
In your house, the battle for the throne may, literally, be the long-lasting feud between your pets over the comfiest armchair in the house. If so, wouldn't it be fun to name your next pet from GOT characters names?
The hit TV series not only keeps viewers on the edge of their seats every week, but it's a wellspring of some pretty kickass pet names. Here is a list of 112 Game of Thrones pet names which include the new series too!
Top 10 GOT dog names and their meanings
Top 10 GOT dog names and their meanings
If you're looking for popular Game of Thrones pet names, and don't want to wonder too much about the meaning behind them, take a look at this list of top GOT characters names, along with their meanings.
- Tyrion: Kind or gentle; great for corgis or munchkin cats and other low-to-the-ground pets
- Ghost: A spirit; good in this context for a white furkid
- Hodor: This name might come from the Romanian term for beaver
- Daenerys or Dany: Lady of light, Lady of hope; great for yellow labs or other blonde pets of GOT fans
- Khaleesi: Queen
- Grey Wind
- Brienne: High, noble, and preferably not for a hound
- Samwell: God heard; a great choice for a loyal, brave, portly creature
- Arya: Noble
- Ygritte: Windling, of the free folk; fit for a haughty, red-coated critter
Other GOT characters names that are contenders for the throne:
Other GOT characters names that are contenders for the throne:
Didn't see what you were looking for above? Worry not! We're just getting started with GOT character names for your pets, including these names fit for any furry companion.
- Theon Greyjoy
- Reek
- Bran Stark
- Sandor Clegane (If your pet has facial scars, they're a great fit to be named after Sandor)
- The Hound (Obviously a great name for hound dogs!)
- Joffrey Baratheon
- Catelyn Stark
- Robb Stark
- Ned Stark
- Robert Baratheon
- Viserys Targaryen
- Varys
- Samwell Tarly
- Bronn
- Tywin Lannister
- Shae
- Jeor Mormont
- Tommen Baratheon
- Jaqen H'ghar (Does your pet have many faces (or personalities)? Name him or her after the man of a thousand faces!)
- Khal Drogo (A great name for big, beefy pets, like pit bulls or Rottweilers.
- Khal (same as above)
- Davos Seaworth
- Melisandre (Does your pet look a lot younger than he or she actually is? Then Melissandre is the perfect name!)
- Margaery Tyrell
- Stannis Baratheon
- Ygritte
- Brienne of Tarth
- Gilly
- Tormund Giantsbane
- Ramsay Bolton
- Missandei (This is a great name for pets that seem to translate, like birds or even dogs/cats that talk)
- The High Sparrow (Obviously a great name for a sparrow or other bird)
Game of Thrones pet names for male puppies, kittens, and more
Game of Thrones pet names for male puppies, kittens, and more
If you're in need of naming a boy pet, these Game of Thrones pet names are taken from the men of the series, and this list is sure to contain a moniker that helps compliment your best buddy's personality.
- Aemon
- Alliser Thorne
- Barristan
- Bran
- Bronn
- Daario
- Davos
- Eddison
- Gendry
- Grenn
- Grey Worm
- Hodor
- Hot Pie
- Jaime
- Janos
- Jaqen
- Jeor
- Joffrey
- Jojen
- Jon Snow
- Jorah
- Khal Drogo
- Littlefinger
- Loras
- Ned
- Oberyn
- Olly
- Podrick
- Pyp
- Qyburn
- Ramsay
- Rast
- Reek
- Rickon
- Robb
- Robert
- Roose
- Samwell
- Stannis
- The Hound
- The Mountain
- Theon
- Tommen
- Tormund
- Tyrion
- Tywin
- Varys
- Viserys
Game of Thrones female names for dogs, cats, and other pets
Do the strong women of the series stand out to you, or do you have a pet in need of a name that leans a bit more feminine? If the answer is yes, take a look at these Game of Thrones female names for dogs, cats, and other pets inspired by the female characters of the show.
- Arya
- Brienne
- Catelyn
- Cersei
- Daenerys
- Ellaria
- Gilly
- Khaleesi
- Margaery
- Meera
- Melisandre
- Missandei
- Myrcella
- Olenna
- Osha
- Ros
- Selyse
- Shae
- Shireen
- Talisa
- Yara
- Ygritte
GOT dog names inspired by direwolves, dragons, and pets who appear on Game of Thrones
GOT dog names inspired by direwolves, dragons, and pets who appear on Game of Thrones
Do animal-related Game of Thrones dog names suit you and your canine pal better than other names? Check out this short round-up of GOT dog names based on the direwolves, dragons, and other creatures from the show.
- Drogon
- Ghost
- Grey Wind
- Lady
- Nymeria
- Rhaegal
- Ser Pounce
- Shaggy Dog
- Summer
- Viserion
House of the Dragon GOT characters for pet names
House of the Dragon GOT characters for pet names
If you're a fan of the new GOT series "House of the Dragon," that means even more name options for you to choose from, like any of these House of the Dragon–inspired pet names.
- Aemond
- Alicent
- Allun
- Arryk
- Baela
- Corlys
- Criston
- Daemon
- Erryk
- Gerardys
- Harold
- Harwin
- Helaena
- Hobert
- Jasper
- Laena
- Laenor
- Lannister
- Larys
- Lyman
- Lyonel
- Mellos
- Mysaria
- Orwyle
- Otto
- Rhaena
- Rhaenyra
- Rhaenys
- Steffon
- Talya
- Vaemond
- Viserys
Do you need more inspiration for your new pet’s name?
Do you need more inspiration for your new pet's name?
Pets are like our children. We love them, care for them, and we get to dress them up in adorable outfits — if that's a thing we feel like doing! So it's extra important that we take time to find the perfect name that reflects our new pet's personality and potential. Naming can be hard, which is why we've gathered nine pet-naming techniques to find the perfect fit, as well as assembled a handful of our most beloved lists of pet names!