What Is A Sploot?

If you've ever seen a dog or cat doing a cute stretch, you might have been tempted to give that adorable action a name. If so, you're not alone! There actually happens to be a stretch so unique that it's been named the "sploot."

What's a Sploot?

What's a Sploot?

A sploot is a type of stretch that some pets do. Although it's typically associated with corgis, many types of dogs and cats can sploot too. This special stretch is defined as a pet laying on their belly while stretching their legs out behind them. When you see a pet splooting, it's a pretty funny sight — almost like they're ready to take flight à la Superman! Although a traditional sploot requires that both legs stick straight out, there are a couple of variations: A) the "half-sploot" is when only one leg is sticking out, and B) the "side sploot" is when the pet's legs don't stretch straight out, but lean to one side.

Why Do Pets Sploot?

Why Do Pets Sploot?

There are a lot of reasons why a pet might sploot. Maybe, they just need a good stretch in their hips and legs. If they're feeling overheated, they might be trying to cool their belly by pressing it into the ground. You might notice that some pets only sploot, or sploot more frequently, when they're young. This might be because their hips and legs are simply more flexible during their younger years, allowing them to easily perform this adorable stretch.

This particular stretch can also help strengthen their hip flexors, according to Healthy Pets. Your pup may naturally relax and stretch this way, but you can also help your four-legged friend out by assisting in a stretch every now and then.

When Splooting Is a Symptom

When Splooting Is a Symptom

If your dog appears to be in any pain, or instead of using all four legs and hopping around on the front two like a bunny, this may be a sign of hip dysplasia. According to Cornell University, canine hip dysplasia occurs when the hip joint no longer fits in the socket. If you notice that your dog is in pain or walking unusually, as if to avoid using their hips, you should seek veterinarian assistance immediately.

Now that you know all about this adorable stretch, you're on your way to catching your pet in the act. Just be sure to have a camera handy so you can show all your friends and family your pet's splooting skills!
